Anonymous ID: 2f8ecb May 11, 2019, 11:41 a.m. No.6472766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6472532 (pb)

>Science the new Cult for Global Domination


But the problem is not with true science as method of inquiry, the problem is in it’s misuse by the authorities in power.


The meme that I am reposting illustrates the problem - that is when good science is published which threatens to undermine the theories which the authorities want the public to believe, the corporate media does not allow the public to be informed. Same ole shit, just a different topic…

Anonymous ID: 2f8ecb May 11, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.6473160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3189


>”Scientific” Authority Figures


These clowns both idolaters and hypocrites


All three are blind with hubris presuming that there is no purpose or meaning in the Universe. They don't have a clue about metaphysics, particularly the metaphysics that underlie the history of science. The following is what I tell people when they misuse science to make unfounded states like “God doesn’t exist because science proves it.”


The irony is that such a statement is both atheistic and anti-scientific for the same reason. While science is a powerful tool for acquiring knowledge, its purpose and power has been controlled by the ruling elite since the onset of the Copernican Revolution.


But, contrary to popular history, science did not begin with the rise of the “Copernican principle.” In fact, the underlying metaphysics of science as a method of "knowing" originates from theology, specifically a branch of theology known as “negative theology” or "apophatic theology." Today, this metaphysical foundation of the scientific method is known as “testing the null hypothesis.” We can never "prove" our hypothesis. Instead, we can only accept or reject the "null hypothesis" based on empirical evidence. In the words of Plotinus, “we can only say what is not, for what is we cannot say.” The more times we can reject the null hypothesis based on repeated testing and acquisition of experimental evidence (replication), the stronger our hypotheses become. Strong hypotheses can then be combined into a theory or a "model" for explaining whatever objective phenomenon that we seek to understand. This works so long as our theories are constantly being challenged and refined by new empirical evidence. But, too often the explanatory power of these theories becomes dogmatic in nature because their very existence helps legitimize the power of the “scientific authorities” which profess them.


Theologians of the first 4 centuries criticized the worship of “idols” for the same metaphysical reason that scientists today should not worship their "theories". All theologians of that time regardless of their particular religious orientation agreed that God was objectively unknowable, so to construct and worship an idol of God was to restrict one’s perception of God to an “object.” In similar fashion, when we construct a "theory" of reality and come to accept it as reality itself, we restrict our perception of reality within the confines of dogma. Such mental blindness fosters hubris while denying science as a perceptual path to "knowing."


While these “scientific authority figures" are anointed to power by the ruling elite the same way corporate media is "authorized" to shape public opinion, modern cosmologists have no empirical foundation to force their nihilism on the rest of us, especially when they chose to ignore their own research data when it fails to support their preemptive beliefs, such as the Copernican Principle. This makes them both idolaters and hypocrites. If we allow such misuse of science to continue unchallenged, we will eventually lose the public’s trust and provide those in power with the rationale to deny science itself as a method of inquiry when they see fit.