The board is comp'd
Old BO would have just prevented him from baking. Neverwould have needed to resort to such shit.
110% agree. Unnecessary and uncalled for.
>while leaving us open to escalated arms race
Disagree. BO never resorted to such tactics to deal with Leafy as a BV or any other shill baker. There will always be shills trying to baker, but posting porn to try and stop it is not the answer.
Technically, not child porn. Just a pic of an infant with a rectal rpolapse. Gross af but not porn. Still has no place on this board.
fuck you BV. I understand why you did it but it was the wrong way to handle it. And you're a fuckwad for calling me a newfag.
No, Leafy was mass banning anons and namefagging, shitposting constantly. The likes of which hasn't been seen here since Leafy transitioned. We've have many problems with shills bakers over the last year and a half. Posting gore porn was never the answer. It's why we have the system we do for bakers. BV's check IP hashes and confirm it's a good baker. Bakers also know each other thru their pastebins. If a shill tried to bake the bread was locked and a good bake was set up. Posting gore is not the only way to stop it.
You're the one who needs to learn logic, faggot
You replied to the BV who posted the gore porn.
I just did global until it said I had reached a limit on reporting.
Just this board. Every board owner (there are hundreds of boards on 8ch) has the ability to control captcha's on their own board.
Q created the board PatriotsFight. He/they are the only ones with keys to it. If there is a problem with it, they can always create another board. /PF/ has nothing to do with this board owner.
After the initial shock of those gross pics has worn off, I think you had a really good strategy for trying to prevent Anjel from live streaming a bake. OK, maybe you immediately thought to use the worst pics you could find to stop him. I'm sure you succeeded, this time. Maybe in the future, you could use less graphic material? Like just straight porn or something? You made a strategic move, but it kind of backfired. I'm still shaking my head, kek. You tried something new and innovative. Cred for that!