I think normies would swallow redpills a lot easier without memes directly referencing Q as that prevents them from making the negative associations the MSM has brainwashed them with. If you don't give a people a reason to reject your message out of hand it is more effective.
shills are always trying to convince us the board is comped because they know they lost control of the narrative here. compare anti-Q twitter accounts like travis view which pick the lowest hanging Q-fruits to insult and belittle in a constant performance of the "academic criticism" MK Ultra experiments done on the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski). Their goal is to constantly humiliate us for our beliefs (insecure much? Streissand effect says hi!) to make us feel isolated and insane, and they know Qresearch is the one place where this tactic has totally failed to stop people believing from Q. it's kind of like persecution of early Christians.