excellent digging fren, mind if I join?
I know fren, not new round here :)
second'd no table!
well stem took down their board of directors page online. any anons got it?
sorry forgot the sauce,used bing to serach
heres a part of the script from the play that was canceled - looks like its a bunch of different acts but not sure bc i refuse to pay to pay to read this faggot sheit. imio, this play is designed to make ppl distrust the NSA. trying to sway public to tink they are v bad guys. script written by Dan Zolidis. The instructer who was supposed to be putting it on, her page has been 404d as well, but i tink dis may be her. so if any anons have that board of directors list or the faculty page for liz screenshotted or archived, that might halp w the dig in general. love u frens, its a honor!
ive tagged my other posts referenced in this one as well for convenience, same bread
sorry im a retard here is liz (mayb)