daark to LIGHT
An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.
What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.
Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.
Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.
What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.
It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.
By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.
Hollywood news and entertainment is the psychic equivalent of slow poison. Subversive psycho-social programming is designed to be a sweet dream. The sweetness, like sugar's, conceal a destructive toxin: cumulative, progressive and ultimately fatal.
The damage done by legacy media Information Operations (IO) or psyops is incremental. Vocabulary is slowly reduced, falsified history substituted to support the satanist cultists new story of America.
Primary sources, first hand accounts and photographs are stolen from local libraries and archives. Inconvenient facts and eyewitness accounts are removed from history and new evidence injected where necessary. A nation without history has no purpose, it ceases to exist.
Emotion replaces analytic logic, fear replaces faith. Individual and collective cognitive capacity gradually declines over decades. Eventually we become so stupid we can no longer understand what is happening to us.
Information Poisoning
We have been poisoned with bad information. We have been denied real information, and most of us have no idea what, or how much information about reality has been denied us.
1 Information Operations "IO" or psyops cause cumulative progressive damage
2 "Entertainment" programming has been used by enemies of the United States to run sophisticated pysops on the civilian population for the purpose of manipulation and control.
3 Remediating the damage done by such programming is high priority and uses the same tactics technology.
The most effective way to convey large amounts of objectively true complex information about reality to the greatest possible number of people is by incorporating it into the relationship between characters in dramatic entertainment.
Stories can undo damage done us by Information Poisoning, relieve psychological distress, reassure the frightened and deliver the objectively true information about our environment we need, as citizens, to make informed decisions about our future.
We can explain and break cultist conditioning and remove implanted lies, eliminating demons and gradually restoring reality to brainwashed fellow citizens.
Our fellow citizens, the NPCs, have been betrayed and exploited by those they trusted most. The "stars" the "experts" and fake leaders and sports personalities.
TL:dr The same tactics used to poison and control mind and spirit can be used to heal.
Stories are the best mass redpill for sleepers in media-induced trance states. Dramatic storytelling has tremendous explanatory power. This is how we learn about unlearning and relearning, and experience for ourselves the evolution of our understanding when we gain access to important, new objectively true information.
"Legacy media" is running 24 hr a day psyops on the US civilian population. They are doing all they can to destroy us and the country. They are traitors.
They will be stopped.
When they are we need to use all media, all platforms, all channels to remediate psyop damage and replace subversive ideology, demoralizing historical falsehoods, sexual perversion and embedded occult symbolic programming with entertainment that will make us laugh, show us the glorious future ahead and make us smarter, happier and prepared to face a future very unlike our past.
250 million Americans want the truth. Entertainment is not just entertainment. It determines who we are, and who we will be. Stories will facilitate our psychological adaptation to an new expanded psychological and material reality, assisting our transition and incrementally undo the terrible damage done by decades of satanists mind control programming.
Imagine if the information we get from the natural world through our eyes, ears, nose and skin could be tampered with? An enemy who controls sensory inputs can control what we buy, what we think about and what we will become in future.
Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly through our senses. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.
Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans is all acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater social, economic and political reality.
We are entirely dependent on the integrity of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share and MSM legacy media is running psyops, Information Operation engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.
Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.
The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.
The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.
The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.
The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.
The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.
70% of Americans binge view.
With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.
Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.
Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values. By gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult material are introduced into required reading lists as is rewritten history. Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, and programs like "common core" are created to turn kids off learning.
By capturing the news and entertainment industry, and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.
Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.
Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.
It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. .
Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.
Information War is fought in the abstract domain, with, or by, images and symbols. IW is war of ideas upon ideas, symbol on symbols, belief on belief, protean forms and complex models, hard science and New Age woo, code on code, noetic and animated by emotion as frequently in dreams.
We’ve been conditioned to think of our imagination as an unreal place, with ephemeral contents without substance in 3D material reality. “Imaginary” means non-existent in the vocabulary of popular culture. This is strangely wrong. Imagination’s infinite contents and population exist in an abstract space whose connection to material reality permits “imaginary” self-replicating structures to connect with and influence consciousness, to direct attention and guide perception by symbolic association.
We humans imitate social behaviors and much imitated behavior is not learned but adopted unconsciously. For example, Wittgenstein's students (according to Karl Popper) imitated his characteristic mannerisms of his and even after his death, the students of his students, who’d never met the philosopher, were still imitating and transmitting his mannerisms to succeeding generations.
Social imitation is morally agnostic, imitated behavior can be a harmless mannerism or dangerous, irrational, genocidal or self-destructive worldview. Contagious self-replicating psychogenic illness can be trivially induced by common IW tactics.
Latahism is usually described as a Malaysian "culture bound" phenomena. Some social scientist believe imitative behaviors in latahs are related to the "startle response" as seen in Tourette's syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Lawrence Osborne wrote in the New York Times magazine, “The startle reflex is a universal one. When we are jolted by surprise, we tend to scream, shout obscenities or make involuntary gestures. And some of us are a lot jumpier than others. But with latahs, as sufferers are known, these reactions become prolonged to an extreme degree. In Malay village life, people who are susceptible to such exaggerated reactions are deliberately provoked further – through furtive pokes in the ribs or tin pots thrown behind their backs – to induce a frenzied startle-trance. Over time, latahs become so sensitive that trances can be triggered by a falling coconut. [Source: Lawrence Osborne, New York Times magazine, May 6, 2001 ++]
While in the induced trance state, latah are extremely receptive and obedient to suggestion. They will carry out complex tasks if so instructed.
Loud noises trigger the phenomena in a way similar to "shock induction" a mass hypnosis technique that exploits the extreme susceptibility to hypnotic suggestion in the immediate wake of a collectively traumatic event such as 9/11.
The latah phenomena is one example. There are hundreds and they are not confined to any cultural or geographic area, "Yet here was the paradox: syndromes very like latah, Geertz reported, existed in several other cultures as well. In rural parts of the Philippines, for instance, a nearly identical condition known as mali-mali is widespread. In Siberia, there is a hyperstartle complex known as myriachit, while in Thailand it is known as baah-ji and in Japan, imu. In the 1930's, scholars made a curious film about hyperstartling among the Ainu, an ethnic minority in northern Japan. The faded reels show Ainu women being startled, waving their arms like windmills and running around in a frenzy. A form of latah has even been recorded among French loggers in Canada. (Perhaps they are startled by falling trees?) Sufferers are known in medical literature, rather improbably, as the Jumping Frenchmen of Maine. Were these all hyperstartle complexes different forms of latah, Geertz asked, or were they all unique syndromes? "
The 1917 Communist revolution was to be the first of a worldwide series of revolution that would culminate in capitalism’s replacement by a Marxist-Leninist dictatorship of the proletariat. The depression and social unrest following the first world war presented an opportunity for the Soviets to export their revolution to the US.
Proles, lumpen excluded, constitute the “working class”.
The Soviet Intelligence services, the GRU and the NKVD were the means used to do this. One part of their activities was espionage, stealing military, scientific and industrial secrets, but by far the larger part of their budget, 75%, was spent on subversion. They founded or subsidized magazines, newspapers, and organizations to promote their views. Their agents wrote books, plays, poetry and folk songs. The Soviets had so many American agents that they didn’t have enough intelligence officers to run them all, and American agents had to run American agents.
At Los Almos, the isolated New Mexican mesa where the secret work on the atomic bomb was done, the Soviets operated 3 separate, independent spy rings and were thus able to verify by comparison the blueprints independently stolen by their agents, reducing the possibility of fraud or deception. By 1947, the start of the cold war, the US had no important military, industrial or political secrets unknown to the Russians.
After 1945, according to a consensus of retired US intelligence officers, the US had no significant military or scientific secrets left to steal. Which left subversion as the focus of RU intelligence agencies and explains why 2/3 of the KGB’s budget was devoted, not to intelligence acquisition, but to subversion. Subversion was and is the most powerful and effective way to ensure that your enemy will do what you want them to do.
That’s why subversion and influence were and are, the focus of social control operations conducted today against the unwitting US civilian population, not by the Russians, by deep states criminal cultists in conjunction with CIA’s “Mockingbird” network, originally put together by Frank Wisner for the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) which would become CIA in the wake of WW II.
It is important to note that much of our human behavior consists of what Pavlov called “conditioned responses,” which can be complex sequences of habitual actions we perform without thinking, often behaviors we’ve learned in childhood.
Much of our human activity consists in unconscious following of these conditioned behavior patterns which were, perhaps, originally acquired by hard work, study and practice. Anyone who drives a car knows how difficult that seems to a beginner, but how with experience our conditioned responses allow most of us to negotiate crowded city streets without paying conscious attention to the complex sequences of control inputs and reactions driving requires.
Information War, Non-Linear War, or as the Chinese call it Unrestricted War, is a perpetual conflict between nations and sovereign actors which employs every available means; economic, political, technological, to defeat an opponent. PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui noted in “Unrestricted Warfare,” a study published in China in 1999: “As the arena of war has expanded, encompassing the political, diplomatic cultural and psychological spheres, in addition to the land, sea, air space and electronics spheres, the interactions among all factors have made it difficult for the military sphere to serve as the automatic dominant sphere in every war.’
The potency of tactics employed in IW are amplified by technological evolution; enormous tightly networked populations and readily available personal data means both individuals and groups can be precisely targeted with Information Operations (IO) or psyops engineered to exploit belief systems. Information Operations (IO) are the methods and tactics employed in advertising, in covert social control systems and “unrestricted,” non-linear or Information War. Tactics employed in wartime against enemy civilian populations are the same employed in peacetime to sell consumer goods.
As well as the psyops or Information Operations (IO) carried out by the nation state militaries and intelligence agencies in undeclared conflicts, the public has had decades of exposure in peacetime to unperceived influence technologies employed by the advertising industry.
When psychology professor Wilson Bryan Key documented the ubiquitous use of subliminal technologies in both advertising and editorial media content back in the 1980s, the industry made a significant and sophisticated effort to deny, distract and confuse the public about the issue.
Advertising Age, the leading trade publication, attacked Key in a front-page article, labeling him a dirty-minded crank, obsessed with imaginary obscenities in media content and trotting out a legion of paid experts to dispute, discredit and ultimately dismiss the possibility subliminal embeds were ever widely used in advertising or could ever hope to be effective. The tactics used against W.B. Key then are used against scientists now if they oppose promiscuous vaccine use, phony climate change science, expose institutional corruption or any induced belief- frauds.
Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning and social engineering. It is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior. The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the future course and direction scientific, economic and moral evolution. Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity.
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Happens frequently.