fuck off DARPA evil fags
this is for creating thot police
fuck these satanic fake prophet wannabees for profit building an invisible matrix to be prison planet
fuck your mind control manipulations
fuck off DARPA evil fags
this is for creating thot police
fuck these satanic fake prophet wannabees for profit building an invisible matrix to be prison planet
fuck your mind control manipulations
>It will happen one day. When we all get past "me and my beliefs are more important than yours and us getting along as human beings"
coming from billionaires stealing from
the rest of us to enrich themselves
believing they're better than us
want to race mix us all so we don't know any better that they're eugenicists masters are cunts ruling the world
tick tock bitches
> The ReVector program will pursue tech to temporarily modify human skin microbiome & alter scents to reduce mosquito attraction & feeding. Proposers Day 5/17.
doctor evil
no oversight
potus needs to reign this shit in already