some additional notes on pharmaceuticals from current experience with elderly relative…
we all know big pharma makes bank on drugs and doctors make bank on drugs and the FDA allows them to go through and eventually has to recall and suspend some drugs because theyre so dangerous. one MAJOR thing that has never been discussed or brought up is the drug-induced malnutrition.
elderly relative has statin-induced myopathy. all kinds of other issues. years of taking cholesterol and blood pressure lowering drugs. they effectively prevent your body from producing or absorbing certain enzymes/nutrients that it needs to think, breathe, move, etc.
they have been starving the older boomers that take these meds because the doctors prescribe them. starving them to the point of becoming completely malnourished but from nutrients. on the outside they look normal but on the inside all kinds of neurological and muscular degenerative issues going on.
this is also a huge reason why bill gates wants to get into the supplements arena. reviews/takeover whatever he does. they are starving the majority of the public now from nutrients through the current food supply. boomers had all the milk and meat so they were fine. they got them with the drugs.