but she can't smell or eat anything.
Put her back.
that is just cruel and unusual.
oh, wait, it's just a mirror effect, on an image, not a picture of her after you . . . cast a spell on her.
I've been watching old reruns of I dream of Huma, I mean Jeanie.
anon had asked you about namefg baker, and if that person could bake, and my take on your lack of response was that it didn't matter to you if he baked.
I don't think my take is correct for me to tag onto you.
so can you clarify what you think concerning namefagging while baking.
support what ever you decide, you are the BO.
my feelz about it are that people are appreciative of anjel G and want him to be happy and well, and part of the team of anon, but that fame fagging is to be discouraged.
and that BV was a jerk for posting that horrible stuff.