Anonymous ID: 2e4bbf May 11, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.6477521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7524 >>7553

Why are they pushing MMR?

It’s always about money.

Big Pharma and Government in bed?

The Circle?

These people are $ick.


Bryan Hubbard

Health authorities may want to think twice about eradicating measles: researchers are discovering that the virus can fight cancer, and in one case dissolved a golf ball-sized tumor in just 36 hours.


The virus makes cancer cells join together and explode, explains Mayo Clinic researcher Dr Angela Dispenzieri. It also stimulates the immune system to detect any recurring cancer cells and ‘mops them up’.


Although it’s been recognised for a long time that measles and other viruses are natural cancer fighters—it’s known as virotherapy—the dose seems to be an important factor. Dispenzieri and her Mayo colleagues engineered, or genetically modified, the measles virus strain, and gave it in a dose strong enough to vaccinate 10 million people to a woman with end-stage multiple myeloma.


Virotherapy was a last-resort therapy as the 49-year-old woman had endured every type of chemotherapy and two stem cell transplants without success.

Anonymous ID: 2e4bbf May 11, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.6477621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maybe they really are crazy?


A cool perk that nobody else in America has? That’s par for the course in Washington. But there’s more to the story and it should alarm every American. Mike Kim, the owner of Grubb’s, told STAT News that he is routinely filling prescriptions for drugs that treat Alzheimer’s disease. For members of Congress!


If pharmacists are shipping Alzheimer’s medication to Capitol Hill, then some number of congressmen are medically unqualified to hold office. And we don’t know which ones or how many. They could be back-benchers or they could be sitting at the upper tiers of leadership, making decisions of global significance. Since one’s rank in Congress is based mostly on seniority, the oldest members have the most power. Terrifying.


“At first it’s cool, and then you realize, I’m filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems as well. And these are the people that are running the country,” Kim, the pharmacist, said. “It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.’”