3 questions. Go.
Not yet
If sex means risk of pregnancy, then yes. Last one
Although… look at him. Think he’s completely a “Bush”?
Still one left…
Don’t know about 12, but when he said it in 11 he was just trying to rebrand his ongoing strategy, post Nobel. “King of the drones”.
BHO didn’t kill people. But he had people who killed people. Someone out there still has the Hawaii photos, perhaps they’ll share them some day if you ask nicely.
This is fact. Yet all presidents have, are and probably will. The key lies in the motive.
“In tribal attire” is not what you think.
It’s sickening to look back on things that were in plain sight. That’s why you’re here. To discover it now, as it’s happening. Find the ones who “want to be found”.