Anonymous ID: 720cc2 May 12, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6478211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8223

Will NK and Iran ever realize how close they came to being totally annihilated by the DS? One of (((their))) employees - obomber's - main tasks was to Nuclearize NK and Iran so they could be used to create WW3 by forcing the rapidly failing EU to join in on the attacks with America against NK and Iran starting the big fight with Russia and China as they will defend NK and Iran from a shooting war. It's also why obomber eviscerated the US Military by cutting military funding and attempting to weaken the command of the Generals, Admirals and top leaders in Military Intelligence.


Clinton's job was to continue the destruction of not just America but what would result in as the essential destruction of most of the world.


As we all now carry with us:"These people are Stupid!"-Q


Anyone who believes a Nuclear War is survivable is not just evil, their absolute stupidity shows that they have lost their minds and that is one of the problems of surrendering to Darkness and Evil…it makes those surrendering - stupid - and prone to making the most idiotic mistakes.


After all, did biden forget his videotaped attendance at the CFR where he came right out and stated his crime of extortion of the Ukrainian government by demanding they fire their Attorney General who was investigating biden's son before he was to leave in 6 hours or they would not get the 1 Billion dollar "Loan Guarantee" from the US. When the Ukraine government protested that he didn't have the right as the agreement came from obomber - biden said "phone him." His pleasure with himself for successfully causing the Ukraine government to fire their Attorney General was noticeable, as was his glee as he narcisstically regaled those on the dais with him…and of course, the camera…that the Attorney General was fired, Ukraine got their loan guarantee…and the investigation into biden's spawn ended.


How about kerry? Has he forgotten the interviews with the globalist propaganda media meat puppets? Was he still thinking he was Secretary of State? One who has forgotten that there are laws in the United States, the breaking of which must result in penalty?


I feel sorry for anyone who believes anything coming from the demonrats…any of them…and a few rinos as well. I'm sure not all of them are stupid, just uninformed, and when SHTF, in full, their heads will explode.







Anonymous ID: 720cc2 May 12, 2019, 12:49 a.m. No.6478301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8315 >>8371 >>8375


The world needs to realize just what was prevented by the defeat of clinton by President Trump and I'm really looking forward to the next couple of months, especially after this evening when I heard A.G. Barr appointed a new Acting Deputy.


For another amazing - to me anyway - example of "Future Proves Past", Q post 1439 has this included and from May 22, 2018:


"Who is missing from the scheduled meeting?


Who is Ed O’Callahan?





Enjoy the show.



Seems each step leads to the next in near perfect synchronicity.