>>6478083 lb
Calling dedicated Anons "whiney little bitches" won't win anyone over to the pro-captcha side.It's poor policy, and causes those people to think less of you, and whatever idea you are pushing by trying to bully decent people, and refusing to engage in any honest debate. In other words, adopting progressive democrat techniques won't impress me, or change my mind. As another anon said earlier:
"I think we've hit the shill event horizon. When everyone is a shill, no one is a shill. It'll be one of those Gary Larson cartoon situations where all the sheep begin taking off their masks and reveal that everyone in the group is actually a wolf in disguise."
And another Anon said "If an actual counter argument, extolling real, positive accomplishments of the captcha cannot be made, bullying and name-calling quickly ensues. This is conduct unbecoming of a so-called "Digital Warrior," or a Patriot."