Morning from the UK anons.
Nigel Farage is still rising in the polls BOTH for the EU elections in 11 days AND now for a general election for the House of commons.
Was going to put £1000 on Nigel as next Prime Minister at 25-1 on Friday but would rather put it towards my son's house deposit.
A note on this.
Since I started reading books by President Trump and following Q, I've sorted my life out.
Now saving approx £4000 a month after tax. This is the entire extra I'm earning after doubling my income in the last year.
My son is 3 years old.
House prices are falling off a cliff in the UK so by saving the remaining 36k for him, in a years time interest rates wont be up, prices will be lower and will be able to afford a two bedroom house for his future and pay it off in six years before he is ten.
Before Q and President Trump I always spent what I had.
Now, I gave up drugs and alcohol, eat a healthy diet and am much happier. In the harder times I come here. In the moments I have free I come here.
Being on the spectrum, this place is brilliant.
Thank you anons.
What a timeline.
The board is at Checkmate, the Left just cant face it and the Old Guard in the UK are powerless to stop it.
Their spin machine is not broken, just no one is buying their shit anymore.
The Great Awakening is happening.
Godspeed anons.
You ARE the best.