Anonymous ID: 00630b May 12, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.6479411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9423

OK, Anons, so last night some "Anon" is using all sorts of tricks to get me to watch the livestream of Pompeo and to push it. For instance, the pic above appeared while the livestream was on, and was obviously FROM the livestream, so it was seemingly "Anon" and I kept pushing it. It all started with some "Anon" mentioning that Pompeo was speaking at the Claremont Institute 40th anniversary gala, and Claremont Institute happens to be where "The Flight 93 Election" was first published.


I watched the speech thinking it would say something big, and although Pompeo did say "reawakening" I didn't catch anything major. But there was one very odd line that I caught right away, but didn't really understand until a bit later. Pompeo started off by thanking people he worked with who were affiliated with Claremont Institute, including his two speechwriters, and he specifically said there were responsible for his joke about Leo Strauss. However… he did not end up making a joke about Leo Straus.


Once I thought about this after the fact, I realized THAT WAS THE JOKE. I ALREADY knew what the Leo Strauss reference was about. This is because I was watching the speech because I thought Pompeo was going to make some reference to Michael Anton and "The Flight 93 Election". And he DID and I caught it because I understood that the "Leo Strauss" reference WAS a reference to Anton. I am in on the joke and Pompeo is able to use coded language to make a joke that I will grasp. (Leo Strauss was a political philosopher known for studying how historical political writers used coded language to communicate in ways that allow them to avoid persecution and censorship.)


Now, why is Pompeo making this joke that very few people are going to get? We'll get there. I posted my analysis of the joke, and "Anon" responds with a comic panel suggesting that Strauss is a bad dude who influenced the neocons who had a negative view of ordinary Americans and tried to push totalitarianism:.

>>6477315 (pb)


Notice that the comic itself suggests that this is a MISUSE by the neocons. I responded by noting that this might involve the difference between "West Coast" and "East Coast" Straussians, and Anon responds with "Am vaguely remembering a vivid and loaded direct quote."


Now, there was no such quote in Pompeo's speech, but I did say something about this issue once in a long multi-part post explaining why Michael Anton is "Q" and why the "Let's Roll!" meme will be used by POTUS. Here is the whole paragraph:


"Finally, and most decisively, Anton is a West-Coast Straussian. Straussianism itself is a political philosophy that gives particular emphasis to the idea that political thinkers, in certain times where persecution is likely, must present their ideas esoterically, via hidden meanings. West-Coast Straussianism was a particularly pro-American version of Straussianism touted by Anton's teacher Harry Jaffa (who wrote Goldwater's "extremism in the defense of liberty" speech). The most crucial historical figure when it comes to esoteric political writing is Plato, and anyone who has engaged in deep reading of Plato will recognize moves that Q makes."


THe upshot is that "Anon" is probably referencing my own words. Here is the longer writeup where that appears:


Moreover, "Anon" is probably telling me to push the longer writeup of which that is a part, so I will post the synopsis of this in the followup.

Anonymous ID: 00630b May 12, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.6479423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9652


NOTE: Everything below and in the links was written back in March, and if I were redoing this I would add much more stuff. (I have later posts on some of these topics, but they are not linked together in any neat way.) Plus I had NO idea back then that Q routinely posted anonymously, whereas now I would not be the least bit surprised if a YUGE number of posts are by Q.


Let's Roll! - Basic Plot


This gives the basic plot for a finale with the "Let's Roll!" meme. The finale will be the public revelation of Q. The plot here has three elements: the identification of a picture (Kitchen is HOT), the conversion of the picture into a meme (Carpet Bomb), and the response of the Q army upon deployment of the meme (Tactical Nukes).


Kitchen is HOT:


1 - A Gentleman and a Scholar: A vast array of pre-existing evidence points to "Flight 93" author and former NSC staffer Michael Anton as one of the key architects of the Q op. The fact that the fake news ignored the TRUE conspiracy and pushed all manner of hoaxes will play a role in its destruction.


2 - We serve at the pleasure of the President: Anton's departure from the White House was marked as fake from the start, with anonymous sources giving contradictory and implausible reasons for his departure, and then Anton returning to cook at the State Dinner for France.


CORRECTION: I double linked the Breitbart article but should have linked this too:


3 - Red Carpet Rollout: Multiple drops mark the State Dinner as giving a "red carpet rollout" to a MOAB.


4 - Pepe the Baker: 12 Dec 18 "Pepe the Baker" drop has 1 day delta with 11 Dec 18 DJT Anton tweet, and the photo in the drop lines up with the Anton cooking photo, unlocking an array of Q symbolism in the photo


5 - Launch!: 14 Feb 18 DJT Anton tweet has a weeklong rollout


6 - A Footnote to History?: 14 Feb 18 DJT tweet is really part of a 17-handshake with Anton's book, via page 17 of the book. This amounts to the go signal to ID the picture, which is the 24 Apr 18 NYT photo of Anton cooking.


Carpet bomb:

Contrary to the surface implication of the Q drop about a picture forcing the question about the reality of Q, no picture will work and no question will work. Careful analysis of the drop suggests that the picture must be converted into a meme, and it must be an obvious meme. In fact, the given picture forces us to choose the given meme.


Tactical nukes:

DJT will tweet the meme, leading the fake news to attack him for insensitivity and leading them to propagate the meme. But the meme will signal the Q army to unleash tactical nukes (i.e. nukes used near friendly forces). Everyone will put out the truth about Q in their own manner. The Q onslaught will be impossible to ignore, and the fake news will have to report it. But then POTUS will drop the hammer.

ADDENDUM: I now think the meme is coming with "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……." (since "Anon" more or less said so…)


Why I think Q posed as an Anon to direct you to read the analysis above:

Anonymous ID: 00630b May 12, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6479652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9663


The final two graphics contain some mistaken date predictions (although I obviously suspected I was interpreting disinfo in the NicePOTUS graphic), but I am reposting these all since I think part of the point of using this meme is so that it can serve as an entry point to the vastness and intellectual complexity of the Q op. One meme to rule them all. Normies who dive into this will quickly realize that the fake news has lied, lied, lied about the Q op, and if they lie about that, they probably lie about so much more.


The graphics are for use by all. Repost as you wish.


"This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected"


"The Flight 93 Election"


5/5 Epoch Times Interview with Michael Anton