Anonymous ID: 1b48e1 May 12, 2019, 5:53 a.m. No.6478947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8967 >>8975 >>8999 >>9132 >>9384

Who really owns American farmland?


The most memorable deal—though most coverage treated it as a corporate acquisition rather than a resource grab—was the 2013 acquisition of America’s largest producer of pork, the Smithfield Company, by a Chinese company called Shuanghui—which subsequently changed its name to the WH Group. The company is an independent entity, but it has received substantial funding from the Chinese government. It’s probably not overstating much to say that the government of China now controls more than 400 American farms consisting of a hundred thousand acres of farmland, with at least 50,000 in Missouri alone, plus CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations), 33 processing plants, the distribution system—and one out of every four American hogs.


“China now controls more than 400 American farms…..hundreds of thousands of acres……plus CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations), 33 processing plants, the distribution system—and one out of every four American hogs.”–


The owning and control of the CAFOs, processing plants, and distribution system is just as bad for America as the owning and control of American farms. Ask any independent American pork producer what he makes per pound and it will blow your mind how low it is.


Same for most farmers or producers of any type of agricultural product and you’ll get the same low answer. They don’t make the money. It is the monopolies that own the distribution systems, the contracts/”quotas”, the middleman, the packagers, and the stores that make the profit. Because small to mid size operations have no infrastructure of distribution or processing that have not been bought out and controlled by the few on top.


That is their and our weakest point in our current Big AG Club system. When you think that super sale price of $2.49 a pound for pork chops is a good deal or think that $5.49 per pound for same is expensive, the average pork producer gets around 20 cents a pound. Now add in his costs and in a good year he is not far above breaking even and can put a smidgen away for a bad year.


Ask a cattle rancher, a soybean, corn, wheat, tomato, pepper, almond, peach grower, whatever/whomever what they actually make per pound compared to store prices.

Anonymous ID: 1b48e1 May 12, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.6478966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8982 >>9015 >>9026 >>9031 >>9034 >>9087 >>9102 >>9109 >>9455 >>9606 >>9612 >>9621 >>9648 >>9660

POTUS 4D chess


Congressman Jerry Nadler is not a particularly bright man. Granted, when put up against some of the even more foolish members of the U.S. Congress, he can appear somewhat competent, but there are increasing whispers throughout D.C. that he’s just fallen for a Trump trap BIG TIME.


President Trump knows the most pertinent parts of the Mueller Report. So too do leading members of Congress—namely Republicans. (Because they actually bothered to review its contents, unlike the Democrats who have not.) The full, unredacted report has been available for review for some time now. Jerry Nadler could have looked at it at any time. Instead, he has chosen to play a political game of “contempt” against Attorney General Barr in the hopes his media allies will be able to successfully spin the version that says the Trump White House is attempting to deny access to the full report. (Even though the report is actually available for review as has already been said. Nadler could have walked across the hall, sat down, and read all of it.)


And guess what? A few Democrats have just now started to realize the trap that was set and Nadler’s incompetence in shuffling his way into it.


These few observant Democrats had their “the lights went on” moment when news of the Senate Intelligence Committee subpoena of Donald Trump Jr. regarding matters allegedly related to the now infamous Trump Tower meeting in 2016, went public via an alleged leak by a Democrat member of that committee to the Axios news organization.


It’s no accident both the Nadler House committee debacle and the rushed Axios story both took place within hours of each other—but apparently, it’s NOT Democrats (as they initially believed) who are pulling the strings on these matters.


Readers might recall when, not so long ago, Democrats and the media were outraged over President Trump’s insistence that the events surrounding the Trump-Russia hoax and Spygate scandal be declassified so the American people could know of it themselves. They claimed it was a serious breach of national security, would endanger members of the intelligence communities, etc.


Now, those same Democrats and media are demanding the full, unredacted version of the Mueller Report, (even though Democrat leaders are already allowed to go sit down and read it for themselves) which is a complete 180 to when they were demanding certain information be kept from the public.


Do you see what’s happened here?


President Trump has manipulated the Democrats into now demanding what he wanted all along – full disclosure.


Congressman Nadler was likely hoping for a bit of attention, some easy political points, a lot of posturing, but, in the end, there’s no way he wanted to fully give President Trump the keys to the full disclosure kingdom. (And the president might very well appear to fight it publicly while continuing to orchestrate the big reveal that now appears almost certain to be coming soon.)


On the very same day Nadler was pretending to demand access to a document he actually already has access to, former members of Barack Obama’s intelligence community (James Clapper) were publicly confirming that other members of Barack Obama’s intelligence community (James Comey) were spying on the Trump campaign. Attorney General Barr has been investigating Spygate and related FBI abuses against then-candidate Trump and later President Trump, and the Inspector General’s report of those same abuses is about to drop in the coming weeks.


President Trump did nothing wrong.


Democrats cannot say the same.



Anonymous ID: 1b48e1 May 12, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.6479033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9109 >>9132 >>9455 >>9660

Observations about INDIA TRADE DEAL


While most of the focus is deservedly on the China trade talks thought I would drop a bit of information on what is happening with trade talks underway with India.


While imposing tariffs on U.S. goods up to 50% or 100% they have had a specialized tariff rate for their exports to the U.S. ranging from 0 to 3%. .


In March PDJT notified congress of the removal of India’s specialized trade status as required by law 60 days prior to changes being made to countries currently listed under U.S. Generalized System of Preferences/ GPS.


India is running out of time also.

Anonymous ID: 1b48e1 May 12, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.6479140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9147 >>9148 >>9209 >>9222 >>9354 >>9393 >>9465 >>9497 >>9509 >>9606 >>9632

The total solar eclipse we experience here on Earth is so mathematically improbable it reaches the definition of impossible.


If you’re in the right place during one of these events on Earth you’ll witness the moon completely blotting our the sun for a brief period of time because, from our perspective, they are the same size.


No, the world is not flat because of this. But it does bring up the important aspect of perspective and our awareness on Earth has been skewed by successive generations of charlatans and lying tyrants.


Side note: who the fuck put the Moon there?


The diameter of the moon is a little less than 3,500 km. The diameter of the sun is 1,391,000 km. The sun is 400 times wider than the moon. The moon is 360,000 km away and the sun is 150,000,000 km away. 422 times farther away..


So 400 x 422


The probability that the moon and sun would concoct a total solar eclipse is somewhere around 168,800 to 1. And that’s just based on their relative size and distance, never mind the figures regarding how and why they reached those sizes and distances.


It would be billions to one.


I would bet my left nut that our solar system is the only place in the Milky Way galaxy that this happens, UNLESS it is a common practice of some space faring civilization yet unrealized. That would be the only explanation barring a total miracle of mathematical LUCK.


Maybe we are the only place in the universe with life. Maybe this is the beginning. Isn’t that almost scarier? We almost hope that there is someone out there who is better than us. But in reality there might not be.


We’re left with two options.


A) Earth is the most important planet in the galaxy and likely the only one to house life, and we are the only intelligent civilization currently existing.


B) the moon was artificially placed around us by some unseen hand(s) that likely at one time or throughout our history are managing our planet behind the scenes.

Anonymous ID: 1b48e1 May 12, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.6479271   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China


Without the aid of subpoena power, here’s what we know. The businesses of Hunter Biden and his partners created a series of LLCs involved in multibillion-dollar private equity deals with companies owned by the Chinese government.


The centerpiece of these deals is Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment firm controlled by Hunter Biden and his associates: Chris Heinz, who is John Kerry’s stepson, and Heinz’s longtime associate Devon Archer. The trio founded Rosemont Seneca in 2009 and quickly began making deals through a series of overlapping entities under the Rosemont name.


Less than a year after opening Rosemont Seneca’s doors, Hunter Biden and Archer were in China meeting with top Chinese officials. To assist in their new venture, they partnered with a Massachusetts-based consultancy called the Thornton Group, headed by James Bulger, son of former Massachusetts state Sen. Billy Bulger. James Bulger has the dubious honor of being named after his uncle, the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger.


The Thornton Group’s account of the meeting on their Chinese-language Web site is telling: Chinese executives “extended their warm welcome” to the “Thornton Group, with its US partner Rosemont Seneca chairman Hunter Biden (second son of the now Vice President Joe Biden).”


The purpose of the meetings was to “explore the possibility of commercial cooperation and opportunity.” Curiously, details about the meeting did not appear on their English-language Web site.


The timing of this meeting was also notable. It occurred just hours before Hunter Biden’s father, the vice president, met with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Washington as part of the Nuclear Security Summit.


Twelve days after Hunter stepped off Air Force Two in Beijing, his company signed a historic deal with the Bank of China, the state-owned financial behemoth often used as a tool of the Chinese government. The Bank of China had created a first-of-its-kind investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). According to BHR, one of its founding partners was none other than Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC.


It was an unprecedented arrangement: the government of one of America’s fiercest competitors going into business with the son of one of America’s most powerful decisionmakers.


Chris Heinz claims neither he nor Rosemont Seneca Partners, the firm he had part ownership of, had any role in the deal with Bohai Harvest. Nonetheless, Biden, Archer and the Rosemont name became increasingly involved with China. Archer became the vice chairman of Bohai Harvest, helping oversee some of the fund’s investments.


Troublingly, some of those investments had major implications for national security.


In December 2014, BHR became an “anchor investor” in the IPO of China General Nuclear Power Corp. (CGN), a state-owned energy company involved in the construction of nuclear reactors. In April 2016, the US Justice Department would charge CGN with stealing nuclear secrets from the United States — actions prosecutors said could cause “significant damage to our national security.”


Of particular interest to CGN were sensitive, American-made components that, according to experts, resembled components used by the US on its nuclear submarines.


That Hunter Biden had no experience in China, and little in private equity, didn’t dissuade the Chinese government from giving his company a business opportunity in place of established global financial brands like Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs. In fact, the Chinese government wasn’t done funding deals with Hunter Biden.


Also in December 2014, a Chinese state-backed conglomerate called Gemini Investments Limited was negotiating and sealing deals with Hunter Biden’s Rosemont on several fronts. That month, it made a $34 million investment into a fund managed by Rosemont.


The following August, Rosemont Realty, another sister company of Rosemont Seneca, announced that Gemini Investments was buying a 75 percent stake in the company. The terms of the deal included a $3 billion commitment from the Chinese, who were eager to purchase new US properties. Shortly after the sale, Rosemont Realty was rechristened Gemini Rosemont.


Chinese executives lauded the deal.


“Rosemont, with its comprehensive real-estate platform and superior performance history, was precisely the investment opportunity Gemini Investments was looking for in order to invest in the US real estate market,” declared Li Ming, Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited and Gemini Investments chairman. “We look forward to a strong and successful partnership.”


The plan was to use Chinese money to acquire more properties in the United States. ”