You are leaving out a weaponized MSM which has over the last few decades been run by MK-ULTRA DOUBLE PLUS GOOD mind controllers and social engineers which, among many of its evil tools, can cause mass triggering of personalities traumatized in the past along a wide spectrum of environmental and man-made horrors and now DIRECT the repressed rage and hate against particular individuals like Donald Trump. As Sirhan -Sirhan was brain scrambled and fixated on RFK and then triggered at the LA event, every woman in the U.S. who has suffered at the hands of a man, physically, mentally, emotionally, or who are overly resentful of a neglected father, or have faced a heart-breaking decision on an abortion and are now guilt-ridden and remorseful, who instead of taking the responsibility to process that pain, are now the victims again of an evil science which can harness and redirect that negative energy via its MSM manipulative tools against a single target in order to create a political divide wherever they chose. I use the gender vector only as an example. It is being practiced upon many disparate sectors of society.
Thank you fren but a tall order indeed. I only wanted to point out the naivete in thinking that MK-ULTRA DPG can only be practiced individually on select targets by a team of roving "therapists" in private settings when the most obvious mass experiment, not unlike a great elephant, is sitting in the middle of every American home, car, place of business or recreation. The real question is why there haven't been whistleblowers from these programs or at least a drop or two that there exists this clear, present and ongoing danger? Why are we only cautioned about who we follow? Then again, Q has addressed the danger posed by MSM in broad strokes. But it was only the overt danger brought to our attention and not the subliminal, and much more insidious, covert.
What's the Over-Udder on this in Vegas?