Rainbow Child Care Center Dig
Employee Reviews from Indeed
(TL:DR = Best to raise your children at home.)
Cockroaches are mentioned in the very first review that comes up.
"Assistant Teacher (Current Employee) – Fort Wayne, IN 46825 – April 10, 2019
Working with young children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Very active and flexible position as days and behavior is unpredictable. Any job with children is rewarding in its own ways, must be patient and caring. This specific center, in my personal opinion, is very clique-y. Too many staff are uncaring and are in the position for wrong reasons. Management doesn't seem to really care or worry about things that you would think are important such as well being of children, cockroaches and bugs in the rooms, staff's personal lives.
free lunches, baby snuggles, playing with kids
roaches, uncaring staff"
"Assistant Teacher (Former Employee) – Taylor Mill, KY – May 10, 2019
Very stressful. I was not given enough time to prepare meals for children. I was put in different rooms all the time. Coundn't take off when even with dr note stating when to return to work.
stressful environment"
"LEAD TEACHER (Current Employee) – Lapeer, MI – April 25, 2019
The management is absolutely terrible. If you dont kiss their butt and suck up to them they dont like you. This place has a click started by the boss and if you dont belong you are an outcast. Not to mention, every member of the click can usually be found standing around doing nothing or sitting in the office gossiping. The boss is very lazy and does not believe in checking in on rooms to be meeting the laws and regulations of the center and would rather send a text message or indirectly talk to you about an issue. Many of the teachers are lazy as well and can usually be found laying on the gym floor or on their phones instead of interacting with the children. I wouldn’t recommend working or sending your child there!
Sauce: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Rainbow-Child-Care-Center/reviews?fcountry=ALL