Everything is becoming crystal clear at this point. To be able to effectively indict, prosecute and convict the treasonous traitors to our country many things had to occur that would take more than weeks or months to accomplish. It was going to take years. The securing of the Supreme Court, the control of the Senate, the loss of the House, the cleaning out of the DOJ, FBI, alphabet agencies, and the exposure of the Fake News media wasn't going to happen overnight. All of these things for the most part have happened and Q has used us Anons to Meme warfare the message to the masses through the use of social media to frame the narrative against that of the MSM. The media has lost all credibility and the Democrat's and RINO's owned and controlled by the deep state have lost their credibility as well through the processes of confirmations of Kavanaugh and Barr. We are now at the point that the public and the world is ready to accept what is about to come. It has been a hell of a ride so far and very soon it will get in even crazier. Godspeed to all of you patriots out there and Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mom anons out there.