>You are watching a movie.
Whilst this whole affair is playing out impressively. Let us not forget that Trump's administrative endevours are playing out in eerily similar fashion to the Nixon Watergate phenomena. Even down to the same Deep State positioning of actors around Trump, the undermining of his right to lead. Testing him under the ruse of Obstruction. The whole attempt to recuse Barr from investigations and Impeach Trump are all very similar. It is playing out so much like it did ~50 years ago.
This political theatre is not playing out exactly the same way. There is something wrong with imbalances in accountability and as corrupt as the opposition are, the true art of the Trump Administration is that it is the Maestro is not simply cleverer than the Cabal. He is in a position of exploiting the system the opposition has been insidiously implementing.
If not Trump, anyone could have been the puppet to implement their rule.
I am however dubious about whether Trump is not being manipulated by the interests of Neocons. Bolton = Kissinger. Pence = Agnew. Watch out anons. The theatre is a captivating lie.
>You are watching a movie.
Everytime you watch a movie, a monster shits on your soul.