prior bread
>I think Biden will pick Buttigeig as VP, and die right after the election.
Not only do I believe this to be correct, but half way expect the DNC to mandate that Buttigeig is the VP candidate for WHOEVER wins the nomination, Biden or not.
Peeder Buttplug is LESS qualified than even Obama was, if you can fathom that. With his lack of both, accomplishments and masculinity, he would the perfect D.S. puppet. Could you even in your wildest dreams, picture him telling ((them)) NO?
>Die from AIDS you mean…
Nope. ARKANCIDED (to borrow a Clinton term) to make room for the BP, as described above.
If any of these candidates were smart (ha ha ha), they would forfeit the nomination the second after the DNC put PB on the ticket with them! :lightbulb: