Anonymous ID: 525287 May 12, 2019, 8:48 a.m. No.6479799   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9803 >>0001

Keep in mind: The Chinese have always believed what they were promised by the Hussein/HRC/Kerry and state dept anti-American gang and their partners in the EU who made so many deals with China with the intent to reduce the USA to serfdom.


We all know that the ultimate goal sponsored, designed and put into action by the UK/British Crown was the one world order.

Well the world order has been here quite some time and president Trump knowing the goal is taking it apart in favor of America First. If America is healthy the world over is healthy too and everybody prospers.


China and XI having colluded with Hussein/HRC not only during the election but also in their activities across the US and assisted by the democrats and republicans alike.


Here is where China’s XI miscalculated after hoping and betting on a HRC administration: President Trump is not Hussein, Hillary or Bush.


XI’s screw up goes back to the beginning of the Trump administration. Every country the president visited at the beginning of his administration guess who visited right afterwards?


None other than Hussein himself assisted by Kerry and Hillary. Now why would they follow president Trump ? Because they promised every country but mostly that of XI and Iran among a host of others that president Trump would NOT last more than a year in office.


XI now realizes that president Trump will go nowhere and most certainly re-elected. Xi and his leaders are now finding themselves in a conundrum they can’t escape. They bet on the wrong horse. They are ph%ket!


Game on!

Anonymous ID: 525287 May 12, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.6479958   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0026

Anons, this is probably not important, but:


  1. Father Oscar L. Huber was a catholic priest who administered last rites to John F. Kennedy while he was in critical condition in the Parkland Hospital.


  1. John W. Huber is probably the one who will prosecute whole deep state cabal actors.


Is it coincidence?

Is this some kind of message? Like if good guys are letting them know that justice will be served for JFL?

Anonymous ID: 525287 May 12, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6479994   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0014



the U.S. citizens pay for mailing cost from China to the U.S. Yes, hard to believe but true.

This is done throught the UPU United Nations Universal Postage Union.

Now you know why for example, China can sell on ebay and under cut everyone.

It cost a domestic shipper in the U.S. to ship an item in the US, MORE than it cost China to ship the same item to the U.S while it cost 10 times that amount to ship to China. just one of fhte 1000 tenacles of the globalist deep state.

Anonymous ID: 525287 May 12, 2019, 10 a.m. No.6480168   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0218 >>0328 >>0406



Sometime in the next 4 weeks, the Justice Department’s inspector general will release an internal review that will reveal the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. Among other matters, the IG’s report is expected to determine “whether there was sufficient justification under existing guidelines for the FBI to have started an investigation in the first place.” Critics of the Trump-collusion probe believe that there was never probable cause that a crime had been committed, therefore, there was no legal basis for launching the investigation. The findings of the Mueller report– that there was no cooperation or collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign– seem to underscore this broader point and suggest that the fictitious Trump-Russia connection was merely a pretext for spying on the campaign of a Beltway outsider whose political views clashed with those of the foreign policy establishment. In any event, the upcoming release of the Horowitz report will formally end the the first phase of the long-running Russiagate scandal and mark the beginning of Phase 2, in which high-profile officials from the previous administration face criminal prosecution for their role in what looks to be a botched attempt at a coup d’etat.


Here’s a brief summary from political analyst, Larry C. Johnson, who previously worked at the CIA and U.S. State Department:


“The evidence is plain–there was a broad, coordinated effort by the Obama Administration, with the help of foreign governments, to target Donald Trump and paint him as a stooge of Russia. The Mueller Report provides irrefutable evidence that the so-called Russian collusion case against Donald Trump was a deliberate fabrication by intelligence and law enforcement organizations in the US and UK and organizations aligned with the Clinton Campaign.” (“How US and Foreign Intel Agencies Interfered in a US Election”, Larry C. Johnson, Consortium News)


Bingo. Attorney General William Barr has already stated his belief that spying on the Trump campaign “did occur” and that, in his mind, it is “a big deal”. He also reiterated his commitment to thoroughly investigate the matter in order to find out whether the spying was adequately “predicated”, that is, whether the FBI followed the required protocols for such spying, or not. Barr already knows the answer to this question as he is fully aware of the fact that the FBI used information that they knew was false to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Having no hard evidence of cooperation with the Kremlin, senior-level FBI officials and their counterparts at the Obama Justice Department used parts of an “opposition research” document (The Trump Dossier) that they knew was unreliable to procure warrants that allowed them to treat a presidential campaign the same way the intelligence agencies treat foreign enemies; using electronic surveillance, wiretapping, confidential informants and “honey trap” schemes designed to gather embarrassing or incriminating information on their target. Barr knows all of this already which is why the Democrats are doing everything in their power to discredit him and have him removed from office. His determination to “get to the bottom of this” is not just a threat to the FBI, it’s a threat to multiple agencies that may have had a hand in this expansive domestic espionage operation including the CIA, the NSA, the DOJ, the State Department and, perhaps, even the Obama White House. No one knows yet how far up the political food-chain the skulduggery actually goes, but Barr appears to be serious about finding out.


Here’s Barr again: “Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant….I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it’s being represented.”


In other words, Barr knows that the Trump campaign was riddled with spies and he is going to do his damnedest to find out what happened. He also knows that the FISA warrants were improperly obtained using the shabby disinformation from an opposition research “hit piece” (The Steele Dossier) that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, just like he knows that government agents had concocted a strategy for leaking classified information to the media to fuel the public hysteria. Barr knows most of what happened already. It’s just a matter of compiling the research in the proper format and delivering it in a way that helps to emphasize how trusted government agents abused their power by pursuing a vicious partisan plot to either destroy the president’s reputation or force him from office. Like Barr said, that’s a “big deal”.