Anonymous ID: 00a9df May 12, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6481501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hope the case against the 20 year old is dropped, but if not it should go to trial and then I hope "jury nullification" will get him off the hook.

Anonymous ID: 00a9df May 12, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.6481622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1695


Wow. I appreciate Strickland's remarks. Dr. Peter Hotez is disgusting, IMO. As a pediatrician and researcher who definitely does benefit from pharmaceutical company money he is not truthful to say he doesn't "take a dime from the vaccine industry". I've seen widely circulated the documents showing how pediatrics practices get significant bonuses for keeping a high percentage of their patient population "fully vaccinated". It is not a deep dig to see how vaccines deliberately cause a host of life long (and profitable) disabilities starting with allergies , asthma, ADHD, autism, and Type 1 diabetes. When the 1986 law was passed that unconstitutionally denied parents the right to sue vaccine makers when their products maimed or killed children it ushered in a highly profitable situation for pharmaceutical companies. Simply hide and deny the true long term effects of vaccines (known privately by researchers who can intentionally develop animal models of chronic conditions such as autism by using the same techniques on their lab animals that they use on our children) and sell (via publicly paid for mandates) the HELL out of them. The public is completely denied truly informed consent for this outrageous attempt at population control and genocide. Dr. Peter Hotez and his ilk are WORSE than murderers because the destroy people on a population level and because he would gladly strip a parent of custody of their precious children for the "crime" of refusing his demonic injections. Calling "pharmacy" SORCERY is absolutely correct. The motivation behind injecting the most vile and toxic ingredients (aborted fetal cells, animal proteins, formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, nano-particulate unknown contaminants, polysorbate 80, gelatin, bird proteins and the like) is never the "health" of the vaccine recipient.