Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6481266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330 >>1421 >>1556 >>1732 >>1952 >>1962

A £9bn lie: Blood testing company boss Elizabeth Holmes was the mesmerising beauty who became the world's youngest self-made billionaire backed by the likes of Bill Clinton - but now faces 20 years behind bars


Many children dream of becoming a ballerina or train driver, but at nine years old Elizabeth Holmes’s ambitions were rather more grandiose. With the precocious self-belief that would come to define her, the little girl informed her relatives of her intention to become a billionaire.

‘Don’t you want to be president?’ they teasingly asked her. No, she replied.

Nothing but a billionaire would do. And, remarkably, by the time she was 31 in 2015, she had achieved her goal. Her blood-testing company, Theranos, was valued at $9 billion (£7 billion), making her the youngest self-made billionaire in America.

The country was spellbound. Two former secretaries of state, Henry Kissinger and George Shultz, invested in her business. So convinced was media mogul Rupert Murdoch, that he ploughed $125 million (£96 million) into Theranos.

Former President Bill Clinton and then-Vice President Joe Biden were among the illustrious supporters seemingly dazzled by Holmes and her vision.

Young, attractive and with a fervent self-proclaimed passion for revolutionising health care, she was feted as her generation’s Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric lightbulb.

Photographs capturing her halo of blonde hair and big blue eyes – which interviewers noted never seemed to blink – appeared on the covers of prestigious magazines such as Forbes and Fortune.

She insisted on wearing the same outfit of black trousers and a black polo-neck every day, just like Apple founder Steve Jobs, and completed the overall effect by speaking in a bizarrely deep voice.

Yet Holmes cut a very different figure the last time she was seen in public, wearing a low-key grey trouser suit and a pale blue shirt.

Appearing in court last month for a pre-trial hearing, her face was wiped clean of the heavy make-up that was once as ubiquitous as the polo-necks, as if to project an aura of girlish innocence.

And the reason for this astonishing fall from grace? Her ground-breaking invention, a machine she claimed could perform hundreds of tests on just a tiny drop of blood taken from a pin-pricked finger, had been exposed as a humiliating sham, her attempts to conceal the truth laid bare in excruciating detail. Quite simply, it didn’t work.

By June 2016, to the horror of her wealthy investors, Theranos was valued at zero. Then last year it was dissolved. Holmes and her deputy, Sunny Balwani, were charged with nine counts of fraud.

Her trial is set for July and, if convicted, she faces up to 20 years in prison. She is still only 35.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6481285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1404 >>1501 >>1732 >>1952

Man Who Beat Child Molester Faces Prison Time As GoFundMe Raises Nearly 40K For Him


A GoFundMe page has raised nearly $40,000 for an Ohio man facing jail time for beating up a teenager who was reportedly molesting a 5-year-old child.


Richard Adams, 20, reportedly discovered a teenager molesting a 5-year-old boy on March 21, so he proceeded to beat the alleged molester and post a video of the bloody teen online. Adams now faces a felony assault and is out on bond. The 17-year-old alleged child molester, who has not been named, was charged on suspicion of rape.


“I was doing laundry and I walked out and there was the 17-year-old,” said Adams, according to Newsweek. “He said that the 17-year-old had touched him right there and that he had previously touched him the night before. I kind of just snapped, I didn’t know what to think.”


Adams expressed regret that he posted the video online.


“I should not have posted that and I do feel remorseful for the video situation,” he said. “I want everyone to stop all the child offenders and predators that are out there. I don’t want no child to have to go through that.”


Adams worries about facing time in prison since he is about to become a father. “I am scared. I have a kid on the way and I do want to be there for my child’s birth and that’s the only thing that’s worrying me right now. I almost want to cry saying it.”


Adams’s uncle started a GoFundMe page to help his nephew, and it has already made more than $38,000 as of Thursday.


“He needs lake [county’s] best to defend him,” the uncle, Jeff Cook, wrote on the GoFundMe page. “Unfortunately his job is seasonal and hasn’t returned back to work yet. Only gets enough while laid off to pay needed bills. Anything will help him.”


The Eastlake Police Department has been widely criticized for Adams’ arrest, and the department defended their actions in a Facebook post.


“We truly understand the interest, passion and concerns with this type of case. It has been processed by the court and will continue to go through the system,” the posted stated.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6481302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1411 >>1622

Texas lawmaker calls vaccines 'sorcery,' verbally attacks prominent advocate


Vaccine advocate Dr. Peter Hotez is accustomed to verbal attacks from anti-vaxxers, but the abuse came from an unexpected source: a Texas legislator.

In response to a Hotez tweet that the latest increase in vaccine exemptions in Texas shows its children have been "placed in harm's way for the financial gain of special and outside interest groups," Rep. Jonathan Stickland, R-Bedford, let loose.

"You are bought and paid for by the biggest special interest in politics," tweeted Stickland. "Do our state a favor and mind your own business. Parental rights mean more to us than your self enriching 'science.'"

When Hotez replied that he doesn't take a dime from the vaccine industry and that as a Texas pediatrician-scientist who develops neglected disease vaccines for the world's poorest people, it is "most certainly my business," Stickland dug in even deeper.

"Make the case for your sorcery to consumers on your own dime," tweeted Stickland.

"Like every other business. Quit using the heavy hand of government to make your business profitable through mandates and immunity. It's disgusting."

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6481312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1883

‘We Build The Wall’ Donors Demand Answers After Months Of No Construction


A “We Build The Wall” GoFundMe campaign quickly raised $22 million in online donations, but months after its launch and still no construction, donors are beginning to ask what’s being done with their money.


In the run-up to what became the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, all related to a debate over border wall spending, Purple Heart veteran Brian Kolfage launched a GoFundMe in December calling on people to privately fund a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.


The activist currently promises that his campaign would “do it for a fraction” of the cost it would take the government, telling The Washington Post in January that his project would cost in the range of $2 to $3 million per mile.


The campaign proved wildly popular. In the matter of weeks, the GoFundMe raised millions and has accumulated $22 million to date, much of it from small-dollar donations. A number of high-profile conservatives have since joined the fundraiser, such as former executive chairman of Breitbart Steve Bannon, former Secretary of State of Kansas Kris Kobach, “Sheriff” David Clarke and others.


However, five months since it’s launch, not a single foot of wall has been built, and donors are beginning to demand answers.


“The lack of updates is very concerning,” Joshua Greene, a Washington state resident who donated to the campaign, said to The Daily Beast. Greene went on to say that he was aware of “previous shady GoFundMe campaigns” from Kolfage, but was confident this one would be legitimate since other “big names” joined on.


“I am very disappointed in you Brian Kolfage, where are the progress photographs?” a woman posted on the We Build The Wall Facebook Page, a comment first flagged by The Washington Post.


“I’ve been away for FIVE months,” one Twitter user wrote in April. “When’s the groundbreaking?”

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6481322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1349 >>1358 >>1932

Cali Quickly Becoming Modern-Day Babylon with Grotesque ‘Sex Ed’ Aimed at Kindergartners


The California State Board of Education approved a new sex education guidance on Wednesday that encourages teachers to give lessons on gender identity to kindergartners.

“The new guidance tells teachers that students in kindergarten can identify as transgender and offers tips for how to talk about that,” CBS News reported.

The document consists of more than 700 pages and includes guidelines on a variety of health-related issues, but the most heinous guidelines are related to sex education.

“The goal is not to cause confusion about the gender of the child but to develop an awareness that other expressions exist,” the document states.

The original draft of the guidelines recommended that high school students should read a book titled “S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-to-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties.” The book “includes descriptions of anal sex, bondage and other sexual activity,” according to CBS News.

So much for parents teaching their own kids about the birds and the bees.. Fortunately, that book was eventually removed from the final version of the document.

The guidance suggests that seventh- and eighth-grade students should be asked to act out scenarios to teach appropriate behavior, according to The Washington Post.


The state-approved document includes extremely explicit scenarios: “Two students are at a party. One asks the other for oral sex,” and “Daughter asks mom if she will take her to get birth control. Mom replies, ‘Why do you want birth control? Are you having sex?'”

Other material in the guidance includes teaching middle-school students about masturbation and giving teenagers LGBT-friendly relationship tips.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6481337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1372 >>1415 >>1561 >>1644 >>1732 >>1952

Planned Parenthood CEO Declares Her Happiest Moment Was Forcing Christians To Pay For Abortion Drugs


In February 2018, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards said that Christians should be forced to perform abortions because morality is a form of ‘discrimination.’


In a recent statement, Richards said that her ‘happiest moment’ was forcing Christians to pay for abortions:


Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards seems to jump at every chance she gets to do an interview with a journalist who will flatter her abortion work.


In her latest interview, Richards revealed her proudest moment on the job – forcing Christians to pay for contraception, including methods that many say can cause early abortions.


She told the Texas Observer:


TO: And your proudest moment at Planned Parenthood?


CR: Definitely the day President Obama called to say he was about to announce that birth control would be covered for all women under their insurance plans, because it had been a hard-fought battle, long before I came to Planned Parenthood. We were fighting to make sure that insurance companies covered it and pharmacies would fill prescriptions. The fact that now, I believe, for your generation, all women will be able to get it without a fight, and they’ll be able to get the best birth control, is an enormously important moment. It was a win for the movement.


Richards is talking about the HHS Mandate requ, which Christian organizations and businesses have had to challenge all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. As Richards noted, abortion activists used their influence to force religious employers – including nuns – to pay for abortion-causing drugs in employee health plans through HHS.


The Little Sisters of the Poor is the latest group asking the nation’s highest court to ensure they do not have to comply with Obamacare’s abortion mandate. The mandate compels religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions. Without relief, the nuns would face millions of dollars in IRS fines because they cannot comply with the government’s mandate that they give their employees free access to contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs.


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Richards and Planned Parenthood don’t just want Americans to pay for birth control. They want to force taxpayers to pay for abortions, too. When Planned Parenthood endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, Clinton promised the abortion group that she would overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayer funding of abortions.


The abortion giant isn’t hurting for money. Richards makes a whopping $590,928 salary for leading a business that aborts more than 300,000 unborn babies a year – more than any other group in the United States. Planned Parenthood gets about $500 million in taxpayer funding every year, too.


And Richards is fighting hard to keep it that way.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6481351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1378

Iran may attack Israel if US standoff escalates – Israeli minister


An Israeli cabinet minister warned on Sunday of possible direct or proxy Iranian attacks on Israel should the stand-off between Tehran and Washington escalate, according to a Reuters report.


The United States has increased economic and military pressure on Iran, with President Donald Trump on Thursday urging its leaders to talk to him about giving up their nuclear programme and saying he could not rule out an armed confrontation.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, which supports Trump’s hard tack against its arch-foe, has largely been reticent about the spiralling tensions.


Parting with the silence, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said that, in the Gulf, “things are heating up”.


“If there’s some sort of conflagration between Iran and the United States, between Iran and its neighbours, I’m not ruling out that they will activate Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad from Gaza, or even that they will try to fire missiles from Iran at the State of Israel,” Steinitz, a member of Netanyahu’s security cabinet, told Israel’s Ynet TV.


Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad are Iranian-sponsored guerrilla groups on Israel’s borders, the former active in Syria as well as Lebanon and the latter in the Palestinian territories.


The Israeli military declined to comment when asked if it was making any preparations for possible threats linked to the Iran-US standoff.


Israel has traded blows with Iranian forces in Syria, as well as with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Palestinian militants. But it has not fought an open war with Iran, a country on the other side of the Middle East.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6481359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1381 >>1635

Israeli home demolitions skyrocket in Jerusalem


Israeli occupation forces have sharply escalated their demolitions of Palestinian properties in East Jerusalem.


As a result, more Palestinians have been made homeless this year than in all of 2018.


United Nations humanitarian coordinator Jamie McGoldrick decried the alarming trend, calling on Israel to immediately halt all destruction of Palestinian property.


“Demolitions in East Jerusalem have increased at a staggering pace over the last month, leaving tens of Palestinians displaced and others who have lost their livelihoods overnight,” McGoldrick said last week.


“This must stop.”


Israel demolished more than 100 Palestinian structures in East Jerusalem since the beginning of the year – about half of all demolitions in the occupied West Bank as of the end of April.


“More Palestinians were displaced in East Jerusalem in the first four months of 2019 than in all of 2018, 193 compared to 176,” the UN stated.

Dark month


On just one day – 29 April – Israeli occupation forces destroyed 31 structures in multiple neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.


This was the highest number of demolitions on a single day since UN monitoring group OCHA began keeping records in 2009.


The next day, Israeli forces carried out four more demolitions in the Wadi Yasul area in the Silwan neighborhood, leaving 11 Palestinian refugees homeless, including seven children.


Silwan is the focus of intense government-backed settlement activity by Jewish extremist groups.


Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is a war crime.


Israeli occupation forces attacked residents during the demolition, seriously injuring five:

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6481418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632

Amazon Gobbling Up Failed Malls Across America for Dirt Cheap


The success of Amazon and e-commerce helped to bring them down. Now, Amazon is taking advantage of the empty malls around the U.S. by turning them into strategically-located distribution centers at the heart of many suburban neighborhoods.


“You’ve got a lot of vacant land sitting there that’s not generating taxes for the county. You’ve got a property of that size abandoned and not being used, it’s a problem,” says Gregory Huth. That’s where Amazon comes in to offer a deal that’s a win-win for many local counties and Amazon itself since mall properties come with a range of major benefits.


The Wall Street Journal covers this major shift in the brick-and-mortar retail space and looks at how many places around the country Amazon is swooping in.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6481424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mayor of Flint, Michigan accused of stealing water crisis donations, whistleblower witness testifies


Flint Mayor Karen Weaver asked employees to redirect charitable donors to a nonprofit fund she created shortly after taking office in 2015, an ex-city official testified during a federal whistleblower trial in Detroit on Wednesday, May 8.


Weaver, who took the stand briefly Wednesday and may testify further Thursday, said she created the fund at the recommendation of other mayors or advisers from across Michigan, including former Lansing Mayor Virgil Bernero and Lansing Bishop David W. Maxwell, who assisted in the fund’s creation.


The mayor testified that Lansing-based Martin Waymire public relations firm recommended she devote a half-day per week to soliciting funds by phone from business leaders and charitable foundation directors. Because she was unable to devote the time, the firm helped draft a solicitation letter, but Weaver said she never mailed it.


Weaver testified the fund was “no secret,” intended to offset travel costs incurred while she spread the word across the state and nation about “what was going on with the city of Flint.”


“It couldn’t be secret if I was going to send out letters and make calls,” Weaver testified.


The mayor said she’d hoped to raise enough funds to compensate volunteers who assisted with the fund.


“At some point, I wanted to get Mr. Gilcreast paid,” Weavers said, referring to her close political adviser.


“They got slick,” said community activist and Weaver critic Arthur Woodson, who attended Wednesday’s hearing. “They were trying to steal the money.”


Amid the city’s water contamination crisis, Weaver issued an emergency declaration in December 2015, spurring an influx of donations. However, ex-Chief Financial Officer Jody Lundquist said the city wasn’t set up to receive tax-exempt donations.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.6481457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel TV: US won’t oppose extension of Israeli law to all West Bank settlements


Imminent US peace plan will recognize that all Israeli-settled areas in West Bank ‘will remain in Israeli hands under a permanent accord,’ Channel 12 news claims


The Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace proposal will provide for all Israeli settlements to remain under Israeli rule in any permanent peace accord, and the administration will not oppose the extension of Israeli law to all West Bank settlements, an Israeli TV report claimed Sunday.


Some 400,000 Israeli Jews live in West Bank settlements, and the Trump plan will recognize that all those Israeli-settled areas “will remain in Israeli hands under a permanent accord,” the Channel 12 report said.


To that end, the report said, “the Americans will not oppose Israeli steps relating to the settlements.” Specifically, while the US will not explicitly back the formal “extension of Israeli sovereignty” to the settlements, or their “annexation,” the report said, it will not object to the “extension of Israeli law” to the settlements.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6481471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1539

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6481483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Billions laundered through B.C. real estate, spiking housing prices: report


A whopping $7.4 billion was laundered in B.C. in 2018, and about $5 billion of that was in housing, according to a new report.


The government said even that conservative estimate is more than anticipated and shows the scale of B.C.'s money laundering problem.


"These findings are stark evidence of the consequences of an absence of oversight, the weakness of data collection and the total indifference of government until now to this malignant cancer on our economy and our society," Attorney General David Eby told reporters in Victoria Thursday.


The numbers come from a study done by British Columbia’s Expert Panel on Money Laundering in Real Estate. It was just one of two reports released by the provincial government today, the other being "Dirty Money – Part 2" by former RCMP official Peter German.


According to Eby, German's report found hundreds of examples containing money laundering red flags such as people purchasing millions' worth of real estate without any apparent source of income for doing so. But German also found no agency or police force with both the jurisdiction and resources to adequately pursue these cases.


These included a case where a student purchased 15 condos in the same building for $2.9 million, the attorney general said. In other examples, German's report found a homemaker who had bought five luxury homes over three years for $21 million and a $3.5-million Gulf Island property acquired with funds allegedly embezzled from a $90-million loan fraud in India.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6481488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1551 >>1732 >>1952

Nineteen Eighty-Four Turns 70 Years Old In A World That Looks A Lot Like The Book


This month, George Orwell’s legendary novel Nineteen Eighty-Four turns 70 years old, and the warnings contained within the story are now more relevant than ever. Orwell’s predictions were so spot on that it almost seems like it was used as some type of accidental instruction manual for would-be tyrants.


In the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, there is an all-encompassing surveillance state that keeps a watchful eye on everyone, in search of possible rebels and points of resistance. Censorship is the norm in this world, and is so extreme that individuals can become “unpersons” who are essentially deleted from society because their ideas were considered dangerous by the establishment. This is an idea that is very familiar to activists and independent journalists who are being removed from the public conversation for speaking out about government and corporate corruption on social media.


Orwell is famous for coining the term “double-speak,” which is a way to describe the euphemistic language that government uses to whitewash their most dirty deeds. For example, in Orwell’s story, the ministry of propaganda was called the Ministry of Truth, just as today the government agency that was once known as “The Department of War,” is now called the “Department of Defense.”


There was also never-ending war in Orwell’s story, the conditions of which would change on a regular basis, keeping the general population confused about conflicts so they give up on trying to understand what is actually going on. Some of these predictions were merely recognitions of patterns in human history, since the idea of “unpersons” and war propaganda is nothing new. However, Orwell had an incredible understanding of how technology was going to progress over the 20th century, and he was able to envision how technology would be used by those in power to control the masses.


The technological predictions made in the book were truly uncanny, as they give a fairly accurate description of our modern world. Orwell described “telescreens,” which acted as both an entertainment device and a two-way communication device. This type of technology was predicted by many futurists at the time, but Orwell’s prediction was unique because he suggested that these devices would be used by the government to spy on people, through microphones and cameras built into the devices.


Unfortunately, just like in Orwell’s book, people in the modern world are so distracted by entertainment and the divided by politics that they have no idea they are living in a tyrannical police state. This police state was also a strong deterrent in the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, because although many of the citizens in the book had a positive opinion of “big brother,” it was still something that they feared, and it was a force that kept them in control. Of course, this is not much different from the attitude that the average American or European has when confronted with police brutality and government corruption.


Many of the ideas about power and authority that were expressed in Orwell’s classic are timeless and as old as recorded history but his analysis of how technology would amplify the destructive nature of power was incredibly unique, especially for his time.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.6481509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1516 >>1558

Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 3


The measles “outbreak” is about a lot more than just measles. In Part I of this 6-part investigative report, we covered the masterminds behind the Vaccines for Children program, which was created by the Clintons back in 1994. Part 2 broke down the discrepancies and misrepresentations in reporting, as well as provided over 100 statistics extracted from the CDC, WHO and HHS reports. Part 3 will detail how the vaccine compensation program works, vaccine safety, Obama’s involvement, and more staggering statistics.


• The group that controls the vaccine industry narrative is funded by pharmaceutical companies

• Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act on December 13, 2016, which included several amendments to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, by adding additional vaccines for pregnant women to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund – for starters

• Between 2006 to 2017 over 3.4 billion doses of vaccines were distributed in the U.S., which is over 309 million doses per year – paid for by taxpayers


The Vaccine Compensation Program Has Doled Out $4.1 Billion and Obama Added More Vaccines To Government Protected List in Dec. 2016


In 1986 the government established a federal no-fault system to compensate victims of injury caused by vaccines after Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). They created an excise tax, which supports this Federal program while relieving drug companies of liability for the side effects from vaccines. This translates to taxpayers picking up the tab on all petitions filed for injury or death from vaccines, and settlements agreed upon through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. To date, taxpayers have paid $4.1 billion in settled claims. Who oversees this?


• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosts the Program, conducts medical reviews of petitions, and makes Court-ordered compensation payments;


• U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) represents HHS in Court; and


• U.S. Court of Federal Claims (the Court) makes the final decision regarding whether a petition is compensated and the type and amount of compensation.


It is important to note that once an individual files a petition with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, HHS has a medical staff review the petition to determine if it meets medical criteria for compensation. The DOJ then develops a report that includes the medical recommendation and legal analysis, and submits it to the court. It finally makes its way to a court-appointed special master, who decides whether the petitioner should be compensated, which generally takes place after a hearing in which both parties present evidence. The special master determines the amount and type of compensation, if awarded. In some cases where the petition is dismissed, they court (taxpayers) may pay attorneys’ fees and costs. In short, it is a process that can take quite some time to reach finality.



Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6481541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Three Shot outside Trump International Beach Resort in Sunny Isles, Florida — One Dead, One Injured


Three people were shot in a possible road rage incident outside Trump International Beach Resort in Sunny Isles, Florida on Sunday.


The suspects were arrested after they fled the road rage incident.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.6481563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1605

Iran and the Fairy Tale Atomic Bomb


Is it possible Senator Tom Cotton ghostwrites fairy tales on his days off from Congress? Cotton and his neocon buddies are pretty good at making things up.


For instance:


But you really don’t get the full impact unless you read the unabridged statement posted May 8 on his Senate webpage.


Europe must not give in to Tehran’s nuclear blackmail as the ayatollahs threaten to renew their rush toward the bomb. The United Kingdom, Germany, and France ought to walk away from their financial backchannels with Iran and join the United States in imposing maximum pressure on the regime. The United States will remain steadfast in its approach until Iran abandons its nuclear and missile programs and support for terrorism.


Nuclear blackmail.


This is the central theme of the fairy tale. Iran is making progress on a nuclear weapon. But like a lot of things the neocons claim, there isn’t a whole lot of evidence Iran is anywhere near developing a nuclear bomb, or even that it wants one.


The JCPOA is an agreement in part allowing the International Atomic Energy Agency to verify Iran’s compliance. It also allowed the IAEA “wider access to, and information on, Iran’s nuclear program and implements a more robust verification system.”

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6481597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wachowski brothers of 'Matrix' fame now the Wachowski sisters


Chicago filmmaker Andy Wachowski, one half of the powerhouse duo formerly known as The Wachowski Brothers, has come out as transgender after being ambushed at her home by a Daily Mail reporter. But instead of giving her story to the U.K. publication, Lilly reached out to LGBTQ publication the Windy City News to give a statement.


Her sister, Lana Wachowski, born Laurence Wachowski, came out as transgender years earlier.


They're best known for movies like The Matrix trilogy and Cloud Atlas with Tom Hanks and Halle Berry.


In the statement to Windy City, Lilly Wachowski chose the headline:




She said in part: "My sister Lana and I have largely avoided the press. I find talking about my art frustratingly tedious and talking about myself a wholly mortifying experience. I knew at some point I would have to come out publicly. You know, when you're living as an out transgender person it's … kind of difficult to hide. I just wanted—needed some time to get my head right, to feel comfortable. … But apparently I don't get to decide this."


She also said that "being transgender is not easy. We live in a majority-enforced gender binary world. This means when you're transgender you have to face the hard reality of living the rest of your life in a world that is openly hostile to you. … I am one of the lucky ones. Having the support of my family and the means to afford doctors and therapists has given me the chance to actually survive this process."


Nick Adams, GLAAD's Director of Programs for Transgender Media, released a statement that said, "GLAAD is thrilled that Lilly Wachowski is able to be her true and authentic self today, however, she should not have been forced to disclose her transgender identity before she was ready to do so. Journalists must learn that it is unacceptable to out a transgender person, in the same way it is unacceptable to out a person who is gay, lesbian, or bisexual."


GLADD also released a tip sheet for transgender terminology, and it's worth a read.


In a statement to USA TODAY College, a spokesman says the website "categorically denies that it in any way tried to coerce Lily Wachowski into revealing her gender transition. We made absolutely clear at several points in the conversation that we were only interested in reporting the story if and when she was happy for us to do so and with her cooperation."

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 2:48 p.m. No.6481627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1712

Trauma based push to harvest our energy


Create a trauma image aka twin towers to draw you in then destroy the image and steal our energy.


The more you know!

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 3:01 p.m. No.6481699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1902

Why Do We Write Hebrew from Right to Left?


One popular theory is that Hebrew is written from right to left because, in ancient times, when chiseling out words on a stone tablet, the engraver would hold the hammer in his stronger hand (usually the right hand) and the chisel in the left hand, making it much easier to write from right to left.


As writing tools developed to include ink on parchment or a stylus on clay, scribes began to write from left to right so as not to smudge the letters. However, by the time this happened, Hebrew and other Semitic languages were already “set in stone,” so to speak, so they continued to be written from right to left.


Without getting into the accuracy of this answer, we know that way back when we were just a fledgling nation, Moses wrote the Torah with ink and parchment,1 and the Torah scroll is written from right to left. So it would seem that there are more than technical reasons for writing Hebrew from right to left.

The Right Side


The third Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel (the Tzemach Tzedek), explains that writing from right to left is in keeping with the general rule in Judaism that we give precedence to the right side, e.g., we put on our right shoe first2 and wash our right hand first.3 Once we have written the first letter on the extreme right of the parchment or page, we move on to the next available space on the right side, which is to the immediate left of the letter we just wrote. And so it happens that we are writing from right to left.4


The Tzemech Tzedek adds that although there is another Talmudic rule, “All turns that you make should be only to the right”5—which would seem to imply that we should write from left to right (so that we are move toward the right)—it only applies when one has to actually turn one’s body.6


Why is the right side given precedence in Judaism? In kabbalistic teachings, the right represents the attribute of chesed (kindness) and the left, gevurah (severity). Just as there is a general rule that the right takes precedence in Jewish life, so too, whenever faced with a situation where you need to decide between kindness or severity, kindness comes first.


For more about the right side’s precedence in Judaism, see The Right (and Left) Way.


Jeremiah 7:24


"Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward.

Anonymous ID: f58c30 May 12, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.6481742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Ever' App Used Customers' Private Images To Train Commercial Facial Recognition Software


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