Anonymous ID: c20544 May 12, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.6484399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4431 >>4582 >>4830 >>4940 >>4990

Obama White House Tracked FOIA Request For Hillary Emails That Was Improperly Denied


Emails released to Judicial Watch show for the first time that the Obama White House kept tabs on a FOIA request for information on Hillary Clinton’s emails that was improperly rejected by the State Department.

The State Department claimed in May 2013 in response to the FOIA request that no responsive records existed. The agency’s internal watchdog later determined that denial to be ‘inaccurate and incomplete’ since Clinton used a personal email account to conduct State Department business.

“These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” says Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.


The Obama White House kept tabs on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email accounts that the State Department improperly denied, according to newly released emails.


The emails, which were provided to Judicial Watch, show for the first time that the Obama White House was aware of the Clinton-related FOIA request, which the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) submitted to the State Department in December 2012.


The State Department denied the request in May 2013, claiming that no responsive records existed. That despite officials at the State Department, the White House and even President Obama himself knowing that Clinton used a personal email account for government business.


The State Department’s inspector general determined in a report released on Jan. 7, 2016 that the State Department’s denial of the CREW request was “inaccurate and incomplete.”


It is not clear from the emails why the White House was interested in the request. But Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton has a theory.


“These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” he said in a statement.


“The Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up,” he added.


Several FOIA requests were filed for information on Clinton’s email accounts during her tenure at the State Department, which ended Feb. 1, 2013. The most specific request was the one from CREW, which was submitted on Dec. 6, 2012.


The group filed a FOIA request for information on the personal email accounts of several cabinet officials, including Clinton.

Anonymous ID: c20544 May 12, 2019, 7:27 p.m. No.6484423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4582 >>4641 >>4830 >>4940 >>4990 >>5003

Ecuador will give US all documents & devices Assange left in London embassy – report


Ecuador's Attorney General has informed a Julian Assange lawyer that the WikiLeaks co-founder's files, computer, mobile phones and other electronic devices will be seized during a search at the London embassy and sent to the US.


After an unsuccessful attempt by WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson to retrieve Assange's personal belongings from Ecuador's UK embassy, where Assange had been holed up for almost 7 years before his arrest and incarceration last month, the Ecuadorian government reportedly greenlighted the US request to provide it access to the documents and electronic devices left behind by the jailed WikiLeaks editor after he was hauled out of the embassy by the British police on April, 11.


The searches inside the embassy quarters formerly occupied by Assange are set to be conducted by police on May 20, El Pais reported, citing a notice sent to Assange's Ecuadorian lawyer Carlos Poveda.


Assange's personal files, his computer, mobile phones, memory sticks, CDs and any other electronic devices uncovered during the searches will then be seized and sent to the US as a part of Ecuador's response to the Department of Justice's judicial request. The US is currently building a case to extradite on hacking charges.


The files contain troves of sensitive information, include Assange's communication with his lawyers and other legal documents – which, the lawyers argue, deprive him of the right to proper defense. Having this data will potentially allow the US to "build and create new charges" to extradite Assange in violation of Ecuador's own asylum policies.


The news of the looming handover came as a bolt out of the blue for Assange's defense team, Poveda told RT Spanish, adding that it's impossible to be sure his things in the embassy haven't been tampered with already.


"Since Mr. Assange left the embassy, we cannot know for sure what has been happening inside these rooms." The lawyers have requested CCTV records for the period since Assange's arrest, Poveda said.


The US has until June 12 to build a case for Assange' extradition. Last week, Assange, who has been serving a 50-week sentence in a maximum-security Guantanamo Bay-style prison for skipping bail, faced an extradition judge for the first time. The WikiLeaks co-founder said he would not surrender himself to extradition for simply "doing journalism" that has earned his site many international awards.

Anonymous ID: c20544 May 12, 2019, 7:30 p.m. No.6484452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4475

New World Order Pledged To Jews


The video above is courtesy of TheTrans22 Youtube channel, thank you!


Self-fulfilling Jewish propaganda, crocodile tears included (wmfinck):



Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Sends Message of Assurance Here



English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S. S. Wise New Statement on Question After War


In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of “justice and peace.”


Mr. Greenwood, who is Deputy Leader of the British Labor Party, declared that in the new world the “conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.” He added that after the war an opportunity would be given to Jews everywhere to make a “distinctive and constructive contribution” in the rebuilding of the world.


The message was delivered last week to Dr. Stephen S. Wise, chairman of the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress, by Rabbi Maurice L. Perizweig, chairman of the British section of the congress. Rabbi Perizweig arrived from England Monday evening.

Intention to Right Wrongs


Comparing the statement with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Dr. Wise declared that in a sense it had “wider and farther reaching implications,” as it dealt with the status of Jews throughout the world. He said that Mr. Greenwood’s message could be interpreted as a statement of England’s firm intention to help right the wrongs which Jews have suffered and continue to suffer today because of Hitler’s “disorder and lawlessness.”


Mr. Greenwood, sending the Jews of America a message of “encouragement and warm good wishes,” wrote:


“The tragic fate of the Jewish victims of Nazi tyranny has, as you know, filed [sic] us with a deep emotion. The speeches of responsible statesmen in Parliament and at the League of Nations during the last seven years have reflected the horror with which the people of this country have viewed the Nazi relapse into barbarism.


“The British Government sought again to secure some amelioration of the lot of persecuted Jewry both in Germany itself and in the countries which were infected by the Nazi doctrine of racial hatred. Today the same sinister power which has trampled on its own defenseless minorities, and by fraud and force has temporarily robbed many small peoples of their independence, has challenged the last stronghold of liberty in Europe.

New World Order Forecast


“When we have achieved victory, as we assuredly shall, the nations will have the opportunity of establishing a new world order based on the ideals of justice and peace. In such a world it is our confident hope that the conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.


“In the rebuilding of civilized society after the war, there should and will be a real opportunity for Jews everywhere to make a distinctive and constructive contribution; and all men of good-will must assuredly hope that in new Europe the Jewish people, in whatever country they may live, will have freedom and full equality before the law with every other citizen.”


In an interview at the Hotel Astor, Rabbi Perizweig declared he was certain Mr. Greenwood “speaks for England.” There is a clear realization, he added, that freedom and emancipation for the Jewish people are tied up with emancipation and freedom for people everywhere. The message, Rabbi Perizweig remarked, was the subject of earnest consideration by the British Government.


“This is a declaration in behalf of the whole world,” he observed. “Here the British Government expresses clearly what it hopes will take place after the war is won.”


-From the New York Times, Oct. 6, 1940.


To Realize This Great Program, The Continent of Europe Must Be Retaken.



Anonymous ID: c20544 May 12, 2019, 7:36 p.m. No.6484534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THE AMERICAN CRISIS: It’s Much Worse Than Anyone Knows


New World Order Globalist Cabal

Using Deep State to Collapse the

American Republic in Real-time


First, let’s do an honest audit of the damage inflicted on the United States of America by the ongoing and stealthy Deep State conspiracy engineered to conquer this nation from within.


The New World Order globalist cabal has succeeded in the following:


They have destroyed cities large and small across America via Democrat leadership and a steady dose of Cultural Marxism.


They have created virtual media monopolies using Big Tech and Big Social Media to control the public discourse and censor conservatives and patriots, Christians and truth-speakers. This, after they completely took over the Mainstream Media decades ago by way of Operation Mockingbird.


They completely took over and radically liberalized education — pre-school, elementary, high school, college and university — over the same period of time.


As for motion-picture making, book publishing, the fine arts and performing arts — they have been surreptitiously co-opted in ways yet to be exposed. In essence, real art has been replaced by sheer degeneracy.


They first took control of the U.S. Federal Government as a prelude to usurping the state, county and municipal governments across America. Who has not heard of Deep State?


By sending their Deep State operatives and agents of Cultural Marxism into each and every vulnerable American city, the perps plan to eventually take command of every state government. They already totally control the traditional blue states such as California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland and Hawaii. The employment of this “take over the big cities first” strategy by the NWO cabal is exactly how they took over the conservative state of Colorado practically over night after Denver was overrun by liberals from California and elsewhere.


Because they own and operate the US government, the perps effectively control all federal aid to the citizenry. Food stamps, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Disaster Emergency Aid, and other federal programs have become a way of keeping the voters on the globalist reservation. Even though the federal legislation established these aid programs, Deep State administers and can manipulate them to hurt their enemies and help their friends especially during campaign seasons. Just like the liberals (and the Democrat overlords) use the IRS as a weapon against conservative groups.


This list is not complete by any means, but surely everyone gets the picture.