During Saudi Purge "Prisoners/Detainees" at the Ritz Carlton had their phones confiscated but were allowed access to other phones.
Listen at the :45 second mark of linked video!
Yes, thats right I said the :45 second mark!
Prisoners were given a hotline number where they could call lawyers/family/and even leading members of companies they were still trying to keep running.
All communication would then be controlled!
How do you follow the money chain?
Start at the top and see where the map takes you.
Who did they call?
What laws does SA have that the US doesn't?
Absolute Monarchy
[n]o one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."
Who was deployed?
All Phone Numbers and conversations were likely recorded as Legal Proof of corruption.
Rooms were likely bugged as they were allowed to move freely throughout the hotel.
Saudi Purge could have been a scheduled coordination between US and SA to surveil all events that occurred inside hotel.