You’re the winner. First post after the lb filled at :29:11. See ya to all the shill that have to post beforehand.
BDS is a leftist hamas organized movement. Propagated by mb, cair, etc. Take your shit to /leftypol
Yep, as much as yours is bullshit. So hilarious, really.
Name me one, let alone five, conservatives that support BDS. It’s a leftist position supported by hardcore leftists, mb, hamas, cair, etc.
Now the true colors come out. Keep it up, outing yourself as the liberal, leftistist, socialist you are.
Of course you don’t. You’re either a fascist, socialist or communist. I asked a simple question. You failed to directly answer it. Re-read my second sentence in this post. Poor tactics are poor tactics, not to mention old and worn out. You have yourself a lovely evening, and just know, you are on the wrong side of history.
Ilhan, that you or a staffer? FFS.
Look sandnigger, I’m a cracker. Want to play name games all night, you worthless goat fucking piece of shit?
You can’t argue shit and it’s why you resort to bs name calling. I can do it too. You have nothing and your masters have brainwashed you, you ignorant dolt.
Good for you Anon, glad it was.