To all those that work and sacrifice in the fight for our Freedom; God Bless and thank you for your service. There's no way that it could be said enough.
To all those good Mothers out there; Happy Mothers Day. The sacrifices that you make, the work that you do, the Love and Light that you share out to your families; Incalculable. You are the True unsung Heroes of this, the movie we're watching. You that choose to be the 1st Hero that your child ever meets. The bar by which they will judge the world. God Bless you Mothers that set a high bar. It's that work that sets the foundation that Humanity rests upon.
May Most High always give all those Heroes that work, fight, and sacrifice for our Children all the Grace, Strength, Patience and Wisdom needed to succeed. May the Lighter of Lights always keep your Heart, Mind and Works a bright beacon of Good.
To you on the other side of the Door; WRWY. May we one day be able to thank you openly.
p.s. A special Happy Mothers Day to Q. It's going to be a beautiful World once it's Time. I /pray we make you proud.