ahhhh yess
you baka finne bred
Thank the marxist communist satanist (((jewbagels)))
maybe the Qster is busy dealing with all the kikey false flags and God knows what else you long nosed babylonian chimpanzees are trying to pull
who knows
I'm glad to see a update.
only a jew would complain about it
dumbass greasy long nosed yiddish, kikey, worthless little jewbags with no soul whatsoever to speak of. just a vessel of treachery. little more than a demon possessed bunch of meatbags!!
God it's so good to be a russian bot
everyday occurrence for me
more "glimpses" this year than any of my life
impossible timing etc..
there aren't many good ways to describe it and as always I think these things are at Gods discretion, but i digress.
I'm kind of at a loss meself, anon
how are your dreams lately??? seeing things a couple weeks in advance at times?