No I'm not ok with anyone stealing or killing. I don't think they stole the land. And if you will call for a boycott against them, then why not also Syria, turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, SA, etc?
Don't pull that bs. Israel is a complicated issue but you're more than happy to say fuck them?
I'm all American baby. No Jewish ancestry and no family or friends in Israel. I'm simply pointing out your simplistic worldview and how hypocritical it is. Cry moar muzzie it nourishes my soul.
KEK! Prepaid credit cards? But I thought the Jews owned all the banks? Why not pallets of cash. That's how Obama did it.
So why prepaid cards? Seems stupid. Digital currency or money transfer if doing so through a PAC or super PAC would be much easier.
If it's a FF it's probably SA trying to keep getting shit from us to fuel their war