Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 1:37 a.m. No.6486374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6401 >>6405 >>6410 >>6524 >>6538 >>6580 >>6593

Realistic Expectations: IG Report is Limited in scope to the conduct of employees of the FBI and DOJ.

Inspector General Horowitz's report is limited to FBI and DOJ violations of departmental policies, procedures and laws governing it's operations. Similar to a police departments Internal Affairs Department that investigates internal corruption and violations of department policies and regulations by employees of the FBI and DOJ.

Horowitz's IG Report will cover employees of the FBI: McCabe, Comey, Stzrok, Page, Bruce Ohr, James Baker, et al, and their investigations into Hillary Clinton's emails, Weiner's Laptop and the Trump Campaign and any violations of FBI departmental policies, regulations and laws governing the operation.

Horowitz will also address DOJ employees in like manner; Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, and Eric Holder.

Horowitz may mention 0bama and his administration's roles, but Horowitz holds no authority to prosecute over those individuals. Any other violations of law or crimes outside of the scope of FBI and DOJ, such as DNI Clapper, CIA Brennan, NSA Snowden, the DNC, Hillary Clinton, Barack 0bama, et al, will come from Attorney General Barr's investigations into those matters. Horowitz's Report will compliment the DOJ's and Huber's Investigations.



‘No Way Obama Was Not Told’ - Former Intel Officer Tony Shaffer on Spying on Trump Campaign

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6486401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6405 >>6410



>>6486374 <-REMINDER that Anons and shills need to keep in mind the Limited Scope of the IG Report to conduct of the employees of the FBI and DOJ only, knowing charges, and arrests, by AG Barr will cover those, and others outside the FBI/DOJ.


I can here shills screaming now, how the IG report 'exonerated' this person or that, when such arrests are not within the pervue of the IG to begin with.

Really tired of the Battle-fatigue shilling.

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6486411   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I voted for trump twice.

Yep. TWO times.

In the Primaries

and in the General.

Midterms were safe. Florida was monitored and Broward County Elections was Busted. As as result, we got DeSantis for Govener and Rick Scott for Senate and Marco Rubio.


So why u crying?

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.6486434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The IG Report will lay the groundwork justification of expansion of investigations into FBI DOJ and arrests made by Barr and prosecutions made by Huber/ Military Tribunal.

Step by Step.

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.6486465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6481


So Who will sway the Brittish Courts?

Sweden or the US?

Who is moar valuable to Britton?

Sweden or the US?

What kind of effective pressure can the US exert on Sweden?

On Britton?

Will Sweden save Britton's ass in the next World War?

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.6486480   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Liar. This board wasn't created until 2018 and has NO effect on the other boards of 8chan. You're a faggot liar and I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but boomers invented the Internet and 8chan and were here before YOU.


  • homo was banned off halfchan by the mods for larping on /pol/

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 2:53 a.m. No.6486483   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Boomers also invented the PC and cell phones and 5G.

The President of the US is a Boomer.

You only know how to bitch and cry and shill.

Don't be so Jealous of Boomers.

Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 3:04 a.m. No.6486496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6498 >>6502 >>6503


He will never be a she.

He is not She.

He will always be He.

His DNA will Always be Male.

His Blueprint is Male.

Even with surgery and Female Hormones, the body doesn't get a new blueprint/DNA. It will replicate/Heal regenerate, based on Male DNA/blueprint.


Anonymous ID: 523100 May 13, 2019, 3:15 a.m. No.6486522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526 >>6572


They are easy to spot.

Adams Apple

Man Hands

Wrist Bones

Male Hips

Male calves

Male feet

Male Brow

Male Ribs

Male Voice, even with dick and balls cut off

Five o'Clock Shadow

Bigger/Taller than a Woman

just to name a few.