I'll be so relieved if BOOM week goes like we hope it will.
I'll be able to focus more on other things
I'll be so relieved if BOOM week goes like we hope it will.
I'll be able to focus more on other things
Saudi Arabia Says 2 Oil Tankers Attacked - LIVE COVERAGE
Anyone else wonder if Manafort's thing with Ukraine is related to Biden's thing with Ukraine?
Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
All we're doing is turning a corner.
You could say the same thing at r/The_Donald and get the same response.
"U mad, bro? Yeah… u mad."
Gullible in what way?
If anything habbens, it's Trump doing it, publicly.
We might get a hazy preview of things to come, but nothing habbens til it habbens.
What exactly are you expecting Q to do???