Julians rape charges are back
Nice plan Q
How will anons spin this one
I say this surrounded by spics and niggers
Maga guys
Who cares if the subhumans will replace you
Julians rape charges are back
Nice plan Q
How will anons spin this one
I say this surrounded by spics and niggers
Maga guys
Who cares if the subhumans will replace you
Lmao trumpkike btfo
Selfishness is the devil
Wow totally not jewish at all
Keep working hard goyim
All that matters is how much money you can make the jew
I wonder who told us that
Qtards have 0 right to breathe my air
Stop existing or burn yourself to heat my house
Otherwise go away
Youre right
They answer to the jewish banking overlords like all (((law enforcement officers)))
>Leftists shouldnt be gassed