>>6487496 (pb)
FUCK AMAZON, that shit is a straight up scam and they are approaching employees because normal people caught on to their bullshit. Their "recruiter" tells you all about how much you will make and how they want to increase your routes incrementally so you have up to 20 (40 vehicles). Then when you get their contract, they neglect a few of the following:
-They decide which DSP companies that will have x amount of routes each morning. All that recruiter talk of guaranteed routes is complete bullshit. You really only make a profit with 20 routes per 200 package rate (it is a 3 tier payment structure). Add to this a minimum of 1 year with amazon and you end up working for them, turning 0 profit and incurring all costs on your own.
You have to have 2 drivers per vehicle and each must pass drug screen / background check and you are on the hook for it. No prob, except that each driver must agree to submit those results to Amazon or they can't work for you. IE: you have 20 drivers, all PASS but don't agree = out 1k for each person you CANNOT hire.
Amazon gets full access to your financials and property for 3 years after you shut down your business. And yes, property legally means your HOME if you conducted business there.
-They have been pimping the amazon ring for a reason: they know it doesn't work properly. For a DSP, it fucks all of your shit up. You have a fixed route and time frame to deliver. If a driver unlocks a home to deliver, they cannot leave until it is locked. If a home owner is at work or gone on vacation, you are rated negatively because their equipment failed and you didn't meet your time table.
-They had zero answer on who is liable if: your driver gets robbed and other homes are robbed as a result of access to the ring device or personal information on their tablets.
I know this because we were the first choice for a DSP in our area. I could go on and on and will post their contract if anyone is interested. Bottom line: FUCK AMAZON.