I’m sure planefags could confirm…but it appears to be poor air traffic control.
Thanks Baker.
Appreciate the hell out of ya.
I used to have a great YouTube link for all that shit. I need to hunt it down. Seems Zappa even has an interesting fam history. Ditto Rev Jim.
All clown bullshit subversion.
Well, starving ravens are gonna really piss off Odin.
That’s all I’m sayin. That’s the last thing we need.
Surprised it landed @ Columbus Muni rather than Edinburgh. Most mil flights land there instead, closer to the camp.
This is Hoosieranon from lb
Dunno, but I do know that Oliver North is a care carrying and certified cunt.
So. See ya Ollie, you fucking criminal.
Oh great. It’s breaking north. Yeah. Sure thing. Bring weird shit to Indiana. I didn’t want to cut the grass anyway.
He dead.
Is that thee dread doom plane?
It’s a feature, not a bug.
Well, on second thought, it’s both. They don’t charge you extra for it, tho.
Carter was gullible and a rube…but I wouldn’t exactly cast him as black hat DS creature
Wow. Talk about projecting.
He was in way over his head.
Still would have a hard time selling me that he is willfully evil tho