Q, I know you are reading this. If not, I’m sure a member of the team is.
I, and many normies that read this board, have concerns that can’t be dismissed with arbitrary answers like ‘trust the plan’ or that ‘patriots are in control.’ I don’t doubt that there are patriots are in control or that a plan is in motion; I have seen the events of the past few years and I’m proud of the progress we have made to truly MAGA.
This all being said, I feel that this battle has been sorely half-sided. I, and most here on this board recognize the importance of keeping strategies secret and not broadcasting plans to our enemies. However, I am not alone in the normie world in having some serious concerns…
The first concern is about a lack of understanding between (your) posts and the board. The ability for anons to decipher the post effectively and then to help awaken the normies with this information has sorely been neutered by how, simply put and without better words, we are unable to accurately tell the normies the plan because we too are in the dark. 60<40 I know, but when we tell the normies to expect (for example) HRC’s arrest on 11/3 and 11/4 comes by and we all look like massive fools. It’s detrimental to the movement, and detracts and dilutes the anon’s ability to be fully 5:5 with the normies. The normies WANT to know what’s happening just as bad as we here on the board do.
If we are to help awaken the normies, we need better tools. That’s all.
The second concern is about morale. Every army needs a good morale, and nothing makes us happier than when we see justice be delivered or that there is good news about our fellow citizens or our country. Speaking personally here, but there needs to be a much better method of establishing a dialogue between our government (POTUS/Q/Etc…) about pertinent issues. Current methods are atrocious and comedically horrid. Whether or not this message gets to you is my point exactly. The ability to ask a simple question and get a respectable answer in a respectable timeframe would make for a massive boost in morale (not to mention the fact that it would be truly great to see such a system implemented gov-wide).
Q, some of us are starving for truth and light and are losing faith. I’m not a believer in religions, but I hope that I never lose faith in this movement. While I hope to never lose faith, I fear others are.
Is it too much to ask for a reassuring post? Maybe something that can help us during this time?
Also, what question is there that needs to be asked? You keep posting about ‘the question’. What even is the question?
Thank You.