nipples or GTFO
Some meme fodder.
I loves me some filter! (you)
ID +
I heard it suggested the Epstein gave up his blackmail videos and guest lists to the gov to achieve his light sentence. No way to prove this one that I can figure.
It also means they know exactly who is compromised as well.
It also means they know exactly who is compromised as well.
In which crumb did Q say the whole cabal would be taken out?
Even the three sided triangle isn't all that well defined.
fuck the Talmud. Christianity is based on the Torah, idiot. Talmud is for the fallen Jews. The satanists.
Q is the longest game plan I am aware of. They have lost a hand or two. We know they are in it for the long game. So, the whole game. Hydra is Hollywood. We are dealing with humans.
filter bait
so even your losses can be gains
Sumerians loved that fucking pine cone. Fertility related?
is that where the adrenochrome comes from?
I don't follow.
My mind is being blown by how far back this goes. Or really, reborn, since probably archeology came on the scene.
How many Christian archeologists out there? Raise your hand.
Read something like that concerning alien abduction. Used a box that sat on the chest the stored the soul which they put into a clone and sent back.
love it, but should have sunglasses on and a shotgun
needs the hashtag on the pic
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
There is a line in Revelation that has always fascinated me. It is after the pit is opened and the bugs come out and sting people. It says something about men getting a wound and it hurts so bad they pray for death BUT DEATH ESCAPES THEM. I've always interpreted it as they have some kind of man made everlasting life. I have always supposed it would be on a genetic level. But in this story, they will regret the day they took that shit because they get eternal misery on earth; not what they signed up for.
Is that AI?
I would never do VR or social media. But, they have most everything anyway.
No results? You're here. We have you to spit on.
Lincoln spoke of the giants found here.
You didn't say which god. And, if you have faith, you have hope. You are without hope. Better pray some more. There is a disconnect. Or you're lying.
I've heard it is a seed bag for sowing crops. I've never heard a great, firm definition of that bag.
One would ask, is there a connection between the mkutra techniques and the pineal?
Was the Glomar the ship the CIA used to pull up the Russian sub?
Trump wants to do some real time missile testing to look for defects. kek
I heard 33% of the missiles you cited malfunctioned due to elements that really weren't at mil spec. They gain all kinds of data each time they use these weapons (and so do our enemy).
Psssst! Don't tell the clowns, but Trump just called me and said the missiles will be traveling from south to north.
So the responsible party isn't the bank? It's the gov and the fed res governors? WTF? Can I see the tax returns of these governors? They can float tens of trillions of dollars personally?
Were there four of them?
same image
I say we do away with the CIA