Friendly Reminder Shill in a nutshell.
Prove your innocence.
If you are not doing what I am accusing you of, defend your methods.
Your content is irrelevant. Only your methods are being questioned. If you don’t defend your methods, then my accusations of you being a false flag plotting shill are correct.
BTW, “Everyone who disagrees with me is a jew” is an invalid argument. Only shills use such retarded logic.
If you are not trying to false flag this community, why do you post the exact same copy pasta at the top of every single thread 12 hours a day, 7 days a week?
Why do you IP hop all the time? Legit anons have ZERO need to IP hop. Only shills IP hop, namely to evade filters.
Thought so.
Refuse to explain your suspect actions and methods.
Shill confirmed.
Not like anyone here actually trusts you.