Symbolize the 3rd eye/pineal gland.
What about his negrita wifey ThriveNYC missing $850 million. Disgusting criminals.
A lot of past digs anons have done on the subject. I encourage you to go look at the research. If you can stomach it. It is not for everybody.
I am sure their are plenty of Christian archeologists but who teaches them, funds them, allows information/antiquities they find to get out to the masses? It is a very controlled profession.
Pojewbic is that you?
And then NYPD found out coomey boy was actually covering up the crimes and they got really angry. Then they gave some info to Wikileaks. We know what happened after that. RIP and God Bless their families.
Yes I have seen photos of alleged talls in America and I believe a few finds in Iraq? I believe another reason why we invaded Iraq to keep new antiquities found a secret. Lost? Nah cover ups.
Hey gringo I have my anchor future low iq criminals all on welfare. Now what putos …