Anonymous ID: 9fb20d May 14, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.6494441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4448

I don't think we are fully grasping this drop.

Increasing the population of a dense area increases the states apportionment of house representatives.



WWI migrants from Europe came to the US and helped increase the number of seats in the house of representatives.

If you control the population with the help of the Catholic Church you can manipulate the elected officials.

Church gets members and money by allowing families to live with them and also gain control and power.

The same is true for WWii but they also made them poorer and crashed the economy.


BUT it was the great migration of blacks to the north that has altered the minds of the masses.

The party of racism has and always will be the democrats.

The democrats create a problem by enforcing Jim Crowe laws and force the black population north.

The Democratic party then offers the solution to the 6 million black voters now in the north experiencing racial tension in cities like Chicago.

But don't worry your democrat friends can hell solve the problem they created.

They solve the problem by pushing the passing of the Civil Rights Act which many republicans also agreed with anyway.

But the credit was given to the fake party putting on an act that leaves it's voters homeless, jobless, and searching for answers.

They own their voters minds and continuously feed them media garbage that tells them it will get better and the republicans are to blame!

They do not care about the black voter!