Is Iran the enemy or is it Russia? I can go with Iran, no problem but not without considering our stance with Russia. Russia is busy with Ukraine and Syria. Where is Putin on Iran?
Is Iran the enemy or is it Russia? I can go with Iran, no problem but not without considering our stance with Russia. Russia is busy with Ukraine and Syria. Where is Putin on Iran?
Yeah and part of the problem with the Ayatollah Khomeini, the original leader, was their friendship with Russia
Shills are working hard to kill the clarity of the problem. Iran is the problem. Russia is an ally of Iran. Shills are so fucking off the hook today. You guys are a fucking headache but not mind changers. Treasonous bastards are worse than tax evaders and ww gov'ts who work against the US are worse than those who use the US, for now. We all have one vote so make yours count and fuck off trying to change mine, as if.
Really, how about Iran is a hub for money laundering, body parts and human trafficking, still not our problem? Wall is being built, military at the border, long term it seems, have to wait for 2020 elections to get a congress to fix immigration that has been broken for how many decades? Instead of screaming at politicians who've made our lives hell you bug the shit out of anons. Pricks get panicked and go limp where it counts. Impotent fucks. Now I can laugh.
Media is just not taking this whole we the people thing very well. Farage handles him like a pro.
China corp formed like any other with Mao as signatory, gold and dollars deposited to cover econ, lord, I had to look up names as they all died or fell out of power, Franco of Spain, Zho Enlai, Mao, Chiang Kai Shek, Eisenhower, amazing piece of paper
Trump must be the McLoed that holds all the gold, yes, he's going to kill the Fed, it back into the treasury