Anonymous ID: d439e3 May 13, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.6493978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cargo Plane after plane of CASH


I've been fairly convinved HUsseins nuke deal is an updated version of IRAN/COntra. Same regions of the world, but since the end of cold war boundaries are even more blured. I have yet to hear a coherent breakdown of Iran/COntra. look closely or from 40K and same patterns emerge even some of the same people


Plane loads of Cash - because thats not weird


"Since January 1992, federal authorities estimate more than $80 billion—all in uncircu­lated $100 bills, hundreds of tons of cash—was shipped to Russia. That amount far exceeds the total value of all the Russian rubles in circulation."


Migrant caravans, Illegals, antifa, are just our generations twist on the SAndinistas. Ortega is the president of Nicaragua now. He was head of Sandinistas in the 80s.


Elliot Abramson back in the game


"Guided by the new provisions of the modified Boland Amendment, Abrams flew to London in August 1986 and met secretly with Bruneian defense minister General Ibnu to solicit a $10-million contribution from the Sultan of Brunei.[29][30] Ultimately, the Contras never received this money because a clerical error in Oliver North's office (a mistyped account number) sent the Bruneian money to the wrong Swiss bank account.[29]"


without Q clearance its hard for an anon to make sense of the few puzzle pieces he has. but then sometimes you get lucky with anouther CARGO CASH plane story from 1996 , and something pops out.


if I am reading this right, the treasury department or some entity pockets $99.96 for every $100 they sell that stays outside the USA. major fuckery! especially if a few of those plane loads fail to be delivered. Because the 100 dollar bills they printed are sold to Banks in Russia, and for every 100 that stays out of the USA, they get to pocket 99.96$? this is like some reverse osmosis shell game credit default swap time share con.


other things that mirror


inslaw/promis software


Bill Barr was attorney general for a few months of that case, but 99.96% (kek) was overseen by Atorney General Janet Reno.


Libyan Leader Gaddafi bought a similar kind of sercurity case management software from Presidnent Sarkozy of France, which is how they knew exactly where Gaddafi was hiding and already knew where The gold, silver, cash, weapons bunkers were prior to going in.


Its a lot like Macgruber

"the game has changed, but the players are the same….just tell me what you want me to fuuuuiuuuck!"


got to s;ee[p will dig more tomorrow.