wonder if double Captcha is possible, would be willing to type 12 letters just to hear clowns scream louder
If typing 6 letters is too difficult, how do you even manage to tie your own shoes ?
Wonder how the masons are coping with the knowledge that soon every person that they have ever known will find out the truth about them.
remote control for vibrator
rumors are the soulstone can retain consciousness to be implanted in another body.
heard story that just consciousness is stored, like a bad copy (90%). No actual soul anymore like normal human. Think they can "live" forever like that. (aka chiphead)
yes bad metaphor, basically meat puppet with memory mostly intact
what if they could connect VR computer directly to brain without goggles ? Virtual Human ?
hell no , rumors are they have been .
no clue about the "handbag" . It shows up often in stone carvings in different areas, so probably represents something very significant.