Anonymous ID: 8a3bcf May 14, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.6494805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857 >>5183


This applies to theories around consciousness too. I heard a discussion recently on the idea of retro-causality, summed up in the phrase "Tomorrow's Elephant in the Garden causes tonight's dream about an Elephant in the Garden"


This has been noted in things like the Global Consciousness Project, that picked up major spikes in global awareness just prior to the events of 9/11. I think the non-locality of consciousness is increasingly evident in the mass of anomalous experience reporting, such as NDE's, and Paranormal encounters.


Also consider the relativity of Time as it applies to different perceptions of reality. Insects and Hummingbirds operate on an accelerated timeframe compared to Humans. Their reaction time is measurably faster than ours, which means we can think of the way they perceive time as slowed down relative to how we experience it. Trees and plants exist at an entirely different timescale. Some trees have been growing for 5,000 years. Though they lack a central nervous system and brain, with the idea of Non-Locality of Consciousness suggests Plants may have a living spirit, but their nature is unrecognizable to us because they exist on timescales that dwarf our understanding and experience of reality.


As far as physics, I think most of us are aware that the standard model we are taught has some severe plot holes. I believe in a Plasma/Electric Universe model that follows the basic physics laid out in the Primer Fields series. All matter and consciousness exist as wavelengths emanating throughout the ether, eternally and inextricably connected to the whole.

Anonymous ID: 8a3bcf May 14, 2019, 4:42 a.m. No.6494821   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I remember seeing the 3minute news for the first time 6 years ago or so. It was completely baffling trying to follow the Science jargon and charts, but I knew there was some serious knowledge being dropped so I stuck with it.


Ben's done a great job with Introductory series that teach you how to read the Solar charts, and what to watch for on daily sun videos.

Good shit.

Anonymous ID: 8a3bcf May 14, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.6495015   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I sometimes think tough love and hard truths are necessary when you're going through a bleak and dreadful melancholy. I myself tend toward cynicism and misanthropy, but I try to cultivate compassion and understanding, and something that is anathema to my instincts: Reverence.


Here's how I see it, whether you believe in God or not:


The Universe Doesn't Owe You Anything


You are here, in this incarnation of this experience of reality. This is an incomprehensible miracle. The simple condition of being a Human consciousness born into This time-frame is such an overwhelming gift. You could have incarnated as a slave 1,000 years ago, or as a Fish swimming in the cold blackness of the Ocean's depths. Every living being faces the harsh struggle and competition for resources that we see play out in the Human realm. Here's the kicker; our Joy and Elation at times of great happiness would mean nothing to us without the journey through the suffering and depths of despair that we all go through.

It's easy for depression to spiral out of control when we focus on our own misery, and self-loathing. Just think about the most Happy, Confident person you know in your life and think about them for a moment. They too have deep seeded doubts about themselves, and crushing anxiety about the world. The way to overcome this despair is to focus on others and seek new experience and knowledge. I don't have good inter-personal skills, but I find inspiration in learning about the Artists, Scientists and Intellectuals throughout history that shared my frame of mind.


We as individuals and as a collective know next to nothing about reality and the Universe. There are constantly new mind blowing discoveries and scientific advancements everyday, accelerated by our ability to collaborate in real time with like-minded thinkers across the world. Find that area of your life that you have Reverence for, whether it's Science, Art, Athletics, etc. and cultivate and integrate that into your daily practices.


As far as evil people and awful shit in the world, I see that now in my maturity of age as a call to vigilance. It is our duty as righteous and just people to stand up against cruelty and wickedness. I think their may be no greater reason to live than to fight for justice.