Anonymous ID: a3794b May 14, 2019, 2:46 a.m. No.6494574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4576 >>4598

"Using an IBM quantum computer, they managed to undo the aging of a single, simulated elementary particle"


How can a simulation be classed as "going back in time"? If I press rewind on my VHS player, will Marty McFly be going back back to the future or back back to the past?

Anonymous ID: a3794b May 14, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.6494582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4601 >>4620


Look up:

Q Group (NSA)

Admiral Mike Rogers (Secret meeting)


Q clearance

1017 Majestic Drive Lexington Kentucky

17th letter of the alphabet

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Unclassified and Classified Cyber Security Programs October 2017 (OUO)

IN Q TEL & Black Cube Creative Intelligence


Now look up

John G Trump + Julian Assange

John G Trump + Tesla

0010110 Tesla

The Majestic 12

Roswell incident

John Titor and the IBM5100

177th time brigade

Lighting strike trump tower 10:45

Trump tower gold room

PLVS ULTRA Trump (Mar a Lago)

Simpson’s predict future

Pleasure Paradise Trump

Biff Tannins Pleasure Paradise

Terminator series

Ashtar Command

Celestial phenomena 1561


Now look up

Cern + Mayan Calendar

Oct 28 2011 alt Mayan calendar

Dec 21 2012 main Mayan calendar

October 28 2017 Q anon appears

Dec 21 2017 executive order

Cern schedule for Dec 21 2012

Project Mayhem Code Tyler


Cern schedule 4/18/18

Voicemail 4/18/18

Fortnite 4/18/18

Southern tv broadcast 1977

YouTube user StopSwitchProxy

Project looking glass

Project Pegasus

Project Grill Flame

Project Gateway


For you religious folks:


John 1:7

Peter 1:7

Acts 1:7

Romans 1:7

Philippians 1:7

Ezekiel’s wheels

Job 9:9

Job 38:31

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Proverbs 25:21-2

Proverbs 8:1-36



The Baron Trump Omnibus

Q Source

Q (Startrek and James Bond)

Q (book)

Q the great winged serpent

How old was Donald Trump the day he took office? (to the day)


Coincidences > > reveal w/o violating NAT SEC

Coincidences > > mathematically impossible to be 'FALSE'

Coincidences > > bypass 'installed' restrictions