Anonymous ID: fab20f May 14, 2019, 2:53 a.m. No.6494586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I brought this up multiple times, but will try again based on these two news ZH articles. I'll keep it short and others can dig if they want to learn.

Charlottesville was a hub for a lot of things recently and in the past. For example, Trump got a great deal on a winery and a big estate there years ago from the ex-wife of the formerly richest American John Kluge of Metromedia. That's one rabbit hole itself. There are some interesting hunting stories about that property as well, i.e. rare, exotic, illegal, endangered…

Moving on, Mogul John and Iraqi whore Patricia's adopted son, John Jr. got a nice inheritance, but is pissed as fuck as Trump screwed him/his mom over in the deal. He runs the NGO Refugee Investment Network. It's everything horrible in sheep's clothes that you can imagine and connects directly to Soros.

I encourage people to dig on those items and people, though Charlottesville gets more interesting. Lots of angles from which to approach it. On the corner where that car event played out is an interesting JeWelry shop in an old factory building with the same last name of State Department spook that CNN was interviewing up the hill hours after the event who worked as a "special" assistant with congressman Periello in the Congo, the congressman from Charlottesville who co-founded Avaaz and actually attened the same small private high school as John Kluge Jr. Small world. Interestingly enough, it's the same school to which people like John Grisham, Sissy Spacek(think CDAN), Howie Long, and others sent their kids. A noteable alumnus is Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO of the New America Foundation.

Are we seeing the trend?

But wait, there's moar!

The headmaster was previously at a middle school across the street from Neverland Ranch in California.

A block from the school is UVA's Miller Center, a regularly tapped academic commentariat for the news. There are seemingly some good people over there, but they do claim to have the guy who wrote the 9/11 commission report.

What else? I'm just ranting at this point. Some connections are loose, some are unrelated, but some are relevant to an inner core of people outside of D.C. that hide away in the niche enclave of Charlottesville within driving distance. Some of these people are directly connected to and/or involved in the human trafficking and other WW B.S.

No wonder Charlottesville was/is ground zero for trying to pin white supremacy on conservatives. They need to distract and change the narrative of that cabal hideout for everything from the fake Rolling Stone UVA rape case to the manufactured statue garbage to who knows what other historical LIBERAL atrocities. Luckily UVA won their first NCAA tournament, because the liberal takeover of academia in Virginia, if not further afield is rooted in C'ville.