Anonymous ID: 0e1321 May 14, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.6495552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

John Oliver Takes On Georgia Heartbeat Bill With Help From “Baby Fetus


Oliver also played a clip of Georgia state Rep. Darlene Taylor delivering a speech on the statehouse floor. “Who speaks for the baby named Fetus? Well today I’m going to,” she said. “To quote Baby Fetus, ‘I deserve to have the right too. Some may squirm in their seats, or turn their backs, but I will speak today.’”


Said Oliver: “OK, so let’s walk through this. First, she explicitly says she’s speaking not on behalf of fetus but on behalf of a baby whose name is Fetus. Second she’s is somehow quoting this made-up baby Fetus, despite the fact that babies can’t speak or write. So, she has no source material from which to quote.


“I actually think my feelings on this might best be summed up by Baby Fetus’ seminal 1973 autobiography All the Things I Didn’t Say Because I’m Not Real,” he continued, holding up said faux book. He then quoted from it: “A fetus is not a baby. In fact, at six weeks a fetus isn’t even a fetus; it’s an embryo the size of a pomegranate seed.”


Oliver, continuing quoting the book (apparently the author is a fan of The Office): “Also on an unrelated note, it may be the sex that Jim and Pam have is fine but I bet the sex that Pam and Roy used to have was better. This is the hill I would die on, were I not too fictional to die.” Baby Fetus.”


Oliver: “That’s a direct quote from Baby Fetus in 1973.”


Oliver noted other states including Alabama and Ohio are considering similar legislation, with the latter state’s proposed restrictions, per another news report shown by Oliver, include keeping insurance companies from providing insurance for anything related to abortions, making abortions more difficult to afford.


“Why stop there? Why not pass a bill saying all women seeking an abortion in Ohio must first tie up all the remaining plot threads on Game of Thrones in one single episode of television?,” Oliver quipped about his fellow HBO series. “Everyone know that simply can’t be done, and frankly I feel terrible for any network stupid enough to try!”


He also noted that some opponents of the Ohio bill are concerned it would also prevent insurance companies from covering some forms of birth control and contraception. He played a clip of a news report in which the bill’s author was asked if that was the case. He said, “I don’t know,” and that he would leave it to the experts to figure out.


“I don’t know if the bill written by that not-smart-enough man will pass,” Oliver said. “It’s complete f*cking nonsense… but you never know. And if you’re sensing a pattern here that might be because, just this year, states introduced more than 250 bills restricting abortion access. It’s pretty clear now, with a conservative Supreme Court, lawmakers are taking every step they can to get a case that night end up overturning Roe v. Wade and they’re going to keep trying.”


“Which is why it is incumbent on all of us to pay close attention to this issue,” he continued. “If I may address those lawmakers in the words of an unexpectedly literate baby: “Listen, I’m not a constitutional scholar – I’m not anything – but if I were, I’d tell you that laws like these deny women agency over their own bodies, and your actions put their health and lives at risk. But hey, why not ask the women affected what they think? Because they’re actual people, unlike me, a f*cking fictional baby named Fetus.”


these people are sick