Anonymous ID: 5d13ef May 14, 2019, 8:24 a.m. No.6495802   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5826 >>5843


Seeing as how you can't fucking guess right, it'd be you.

<oh no an anon said the word kike, they MUST be paid by soros

What a joke you are.

You would sell America down the shitter just so you're not called a wayciss by those projecting fucking spawns of Satan.

Neck yo self.

Because THIS is the shit the kikes do with OUR money…


Trump’s election appears to boost Israeli settlement construction

Finance Ministry data shows that during US president’s first year in office, spending on roads, schools and public buildings across West Bank increased by 39%


Israel’s government boosted its spending on West Bank settlements following the election of US President Donald Trump, according to official data obtained by The Associated Press.


Both supporters and detractors of the settlement movement have previously referred to a “Trump effect,” claiming the president’s friendlier approach to the settlements was leading to additional West Bank construction.


While the new Israeli figures obtained in a freedom of information request do not prove a direct connection, they indicate this process may already be underway, showing a 39 percent increase in 2017 spending on roads, schools and public buildings across the West Bank.


Hagit Ofran, a researcher with the left-wing anti-settlement monitoring group Peace Now, said it appeared that Trump’s election has emboldened Israel’s pro-settler government.


“They are not shy anymore with what they are doing,” she said. “They feel more free to do whatever they want.”


Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, echoed the assessment. “This proves that the current US administration encouraged settlement activities,” he said.


Since capturing the West Bank and East Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War, Israel has settled some 670,000 of its citizens in the two areas. Most of the international community has objected to moving people into those territories as both illegal and a deliberate obstacle to any future Palestinian state. The US maintained a similar position on the issue up to the current administration, which hasn’t gone much further than calling Israeli communities beyond the Green Line “unhelpful.”


The Palestinians, who claim both the West Bank and East Jerusalem as parts of their future state, consider the settlements illegal land grabs. Scores of fast-growing settlements control strategic hilltops and swaths of the West Bank, making it increasingly difficult to partition the territory.


For decades, the international community and the US have expressed concern over the settlements while doing little to halt their construction. But since taking office, Trump, whose inner circle of Mideast advisers have longstanding ties to the settler movement, has taken a different approach. The White House has urged restraint but refrained from the blanket condemnations of its Republican and Democratic predecessors.


“The Trump administration is undoubtedly the most friendly American administration of all time,” said Oded Revivi, the chief foreign envoy of the Yesha settlement umbrella council. “In contrast, the Obama years were extremely hard for Israel. Now we are making up for lost ground.”


The government statistics, released by the Finance Ministry, showed Israeli spending in the West Bank in 2017, Trump’s first year in office, rose to NIS 1.65 billion, or $459.8 million, up from NIS 1.19 billion in 2016.


The 2017 figures were the highest in the 15 years of data provided by the Finance Ministry, though spending also climbed in 2016. At the time, US president Barack Obama, a vocal critic of the settlements, was a lame duck, and relations with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were cool.


In contrast, the lowest year of Israeli spending was 2009, when both Netanyahu and Obama took office, when it was NIS 760.7 million. The data included only the first half of 2018, so full-year comparisons were not available.


The ministry released the data after two years of requests from the AP, which received backing early this year from The Movement for Freedom of Information, a legal advocacy group that assists journalists.

(rest at sauce)

Homeless people in America? Who gives a fuck…let's sure the kikes have new homes.


Anonymous ID: 5d13ef May 14, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.6495873   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5897


They're obviously lying about Obama because that's what they do is try to erase history.(look at ANTIFA-their pets, look at ISIS-their pets..all destroying statues and ancient holy sites around the world)

Obama's admin is what started the whole israhell funding at $30 billion+ a year and DJT upped that to even moar.

Truth is that you don't become the POTUS without kissing kike ass and the kike mafia in Chicago are the ones who backed Obama.

Then the kikes use the House of Saud or MB as their scapegoats/patsies.

Anonymous ID: 5d13ef May 14, 2019, 8:46 a.m. No.6495940   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5944


I agree 100%.

They think if you're not pro-israhell then you must be a sandnigger muzzie/loony leftists/antifa atheist/etc.

They always need a scapegoat and someone to blame so they can continue their bullshit victimization card, which was based off a sheer holohoax lie.

There were 0 death camps during WW2 in Germany - they were all work camps.

Hitler actually tried to lower the death rates in the camps due to allied bombing cutting off railroads(food supply).

But if all those deaths were blamed on the allies then their))) lie all falls apart and their free ride through the world, subverting every nation they can, all comes to a stop.

Hitler tried his best to get the kikes to leave peacefully and they wouldn't have it so they pulled the same kind of False Flags that they're currently doing in America, and have done with events like 9/11, in order to blame it on the sandnigger muzzies just to push the US into moar war for (((them))).