Anonymous ID: a9170e May 14, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.6495628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This US Attorney Durham’s background is complex and some of the things…even from a high pass Wikipedia perspective are as interesting as they re nuanced.

Excuse the pasta, but…


In 2008, John Durham was appointed by then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate the destruction of CIA videotapes of detainee interrogations.[9][10][11] On November 8, 2010, Durham closed the investigation without recommending any criminal charges be filed.[12] Durham's final report remains secret but was the subject of an unsuccessful lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act filed by The New York Times reporter Charlie Savage.[13]


In August 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Durham to lead the Justice Department's investigation of the legality of CIA's use of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques".[14] Durham’s mandate had only been to look at those interrogations that had gone "beyond the officially sanctioned guidelines", with Attorney General Holder saying interrogators who had acted in “good faith” based on guidance from the Bush Justice Department were not to be prosecuted.[15]


Later in 2009, University of Toledo law professor Benjamin G. Davis attended a conference where former officials of the Bush administration had told conference participants shocking stories, and accounts of illegality on the part of more senior Bush officials.[16]


So…the most obvious takeaway is without a doubt he has an impressive set of balls for lubing up and giving BOTH the Boston Irish Mob AND the compromised FBI agents a big angry high hard one…AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME. That’s quite a gangbang. I like his style.

Then we get to the CIA torture tapes that we got accidentally totally destroyed. He was assigned that investigation. Well, he does it. Ultimately he doesn’t recommend charges…which would be hard to do I’d imagine when the evidence was thoroughly wiped by the glow clowns. His investigation on that is sealed tight. Anyhow, this guy knows what kinda bullshit went down with all that.

Next, and on a related chain of events, Eric Holder assigned him to look into ‘enhanced interrogation’ under the Bush admin ONLY AFTER tying both of Durham’s arms and one leg behind his back using typical Holder weasel shit words in the investigation mandate like “good faith’ and vastly limiting the scope. Holder didn’t want that shit found. And it wasn’t.


This is interesting because…I’d bet my right nut Durham knows Gina…inside out and upside down.


The last part, though…that’s the biggie. Again, quoting wikishit…


‘Later in 2009, University of Toledo law professor Benjamin G. Davis attended a conference where former officials of the Bush administration had told conference participants shocking stories, and accounts of illegality on the part of more senior Bush officials.’


WTF is that vague shit about? 911 perhaps?




Durham is an expert on all forms of swamp creatures big and small. He takes his shoots only when he knows he can take down the gators. When he can’t, he investigates, takes note of the dirt and survives to hunt another day.

He’s smart and capable.


My only concern is where he seats grand juries. Boston and Hartford won’t cut it for a jury pool. Swamp Yankees will let these assholes skate 9 times outta 10. Forgive me, MassAnons and ConnAnons, but you know damn well New England is way too blue for this shitshow. That’s not divisionfaggin. That’s just the way it be.

Anonymous ID: a9170e May 14, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.6495726   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Using a straw? Doesn’t everyone eat soup like that? Vikings figured that shit out a long time ago.


Besides. I don’t figure this fella as a soup kinda dood.

He eats what he kills right of the bone and wipes his face with the table cloth.

Anonymous ID: a9170e May 14, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.6495767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Since the trade talks are getting into farm exports, is it too early to bring back the CornFag memes?


Kinda nostalgic for them.