Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6495311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5344 >>5347 >>5357 >>5557 >>5899 >>5939 >>5958

One more dragged out new investigation involving the Russian Lies…BUT wait evidence would suggest that Durham has been in it for sometime already. So pretty evident that this is moving along behind the scenes and Barr's announcement was most likely for our consumption. Trust the Plan!


AG Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney To Investigate Origins Of Russia Probe


Attorney General William Barr on Monday appointed Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate the origins of the Russia probe. The goal of Durham's investigation is to determine whether or not the probe was “lawful and appropriate," the Associate Press reported.


"Durham has previously investigated law enforcement corruption, the destruction of CIA videotapes and the Boston FBI office’s relationship with mobsters," the AP reported.


Transcript of James Baker of 3-Oct-18 Page 37


conversation between Rep Jordan and Baker's Attorney Levin during voluntary appearance before congressional committee.


"Mr. Levin.

The Justice Department.


Mr. Jordan.

I mean, is the inspector general looking at this or

is this –


Mr. Levin.

No, it's Mr. John Durham, a prosecutor.


Mr. Jordan.

Mr. Huber.


Mr. Levin.

Durham, Durham.


Mr. Jordan.


Say it again.


Mr. Levin.

John Durham."




Baker, James congressional testimony transcript 3-Oct-18 page 37/152

Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.6495347   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The interesting part is the DEM support for Durham….this could get interesting as the investigation unfolds before our eys. Nice play POTUS..

Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6495747   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As the DS gets more cornered, the way out becomes clearer…total breakdown that effects everyone just like in 2008. ANONS, we gotta keep an eye on this…And yes, I see the irony in the source…but eyes wide open!


The US-China Trade Scuffle Will Kick Off the Great Meltdown


The be-Muellered, bothered, and bewildered American public may find US-China trade talks about as interesting as a rain delay in an Orioles-Chisox game, but the Friday collapse of negotiations may be marked by historians as the day that the global economy died. The Big Box blue-light-special orgy of bargain shopping ran about thirty years, with China exuberantly pumping out cheap consumer goods to feed the US beast-of-Mammon. Americans happily payed for it all with IOUs based on long daisy chains of previous IOUs. Tom Friedman of The New York Times said it would last forever. Alas….


The paradigm kicked off for one simple reason: energy flows dictated capital flows. By the mid-1980s, the non-OPEC world was once again swimming in oil from the last great bonanzas of the oil age: The Alaska North Slope and the North Sea. Twenty years later, they were running down. Meanwhile, the USA had fecklessly “offshored” its factories in the mistaken belief that we had entered a shimmering new digital economy of virtual business were nobody had to make real stuff. China became the world’s workshop and the USA became the world’s financial bucket-shop, churning out endless swindles and frauds. The predictable result was the financial crisis of 2008, which coincided with oil prices rising to over $140-a-barrel (and six months later they crashed, with the economy, to under $30-a-barrel)…



Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6495789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5845

==Russia tells Pompeo - Enough mistrust, let's reboot our ties

Darya Korsunskaya==


SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday it was time for Moscow and Washington to put aside years of mistrust and find a way to work together constructively.


Pompeo is in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi for talks with his Russian counterpart, and later on Tuesday will also hold consultations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Ties between the two countries have been poisoned by allegations - denied by Moscow - that Russia tried to influence the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and by differences over Venezuela, Iran, Syria and Ukraine.


“We see that there are suspicions and prejudices,” Lavrov told Pompeo at the start of their talks.


“This hinders both your security and our security and causes concern around the world. We think it is time to build a new and more constructive matrix for our relations,” Lavrov said.


“We are ready to do that if our U.S. colleagues are ready to reciprocate. …Let’s try, and see what happens.”


Pompeo’s visit represents the first high-level contact between Moscow and Washington since U.S. Special Counsel Robert Muller submitted a report examining the nature of Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


His inquiry had cast a pall over U.S.-Russian relations, and Russian officials had expressed hope that Washington would have more scope to build friendlier relations with Moscow once it was out of the way.


Responding to Lavrov’s opening remarks, Pompeo said: “I’m here today because President Trump is committed to improving this relationship. We have differences and each country will protect its own interests, look out for its own interests of its people.”


“But it’s not destined that we’re adversaries on all issues and I hope that we can find places where we have a set of overlapping interests and continue to build out strong relationships, at least on those particular issues,” Pompeo said.


Pompeo identified counter-terrorism and combating nuclear proliferation as two areas where Moscow and Washington could find common ground.



Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.6495818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock is the newest Democrat in the race for the White House


One more white male Democrat in a purple state who could potentially help the Democrats flip the Senate has decided instead to run for president. Montana Gov. Steve Bullock will officially announced his candidacy for the 2020 nomination Tuesday in Helena.


In a pre-announcement video released Tuesday morning, Bullock highlights Montana's robber baron history. "With their money, they bought politicians, attacked unions, exploited workers, and left us with a toxic reminder of what happens when our democracy is put up for sale," Mr. Bullock said of Montana’s powerful copper magnates, as he stood over a polluted old mine in Butte. "Today we see evidence of a corrupt system all across America."

He’s poised to combat that, he says, pointing to his stint as attorney general fighting Citizen's United and dark money in politics. "We need to beat Donald Trump in 2020 and defeat the corrupt system that lets campaign money drown out the people's voice so we can finally make good on the promise of a fair shot for everyone," he says in the video. "This is the fight of our time. It's been the fight of my career," he said.


Bullock has been elected statewide three times in Montana, first as attorney general and then twice as governor, including in 2016 when Trump carried the state by more than 20 points. He oversaw the state's Medicaid expansion, has established strong net neutrality rules for the state, and has staunchly protected public lands. The Senate seat held by Republican Steve Daines is also up in 2020, a race Bullock decided to forgo.



Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.6495858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5930



if nothing else a paradigm shift may occur..I took time to snapshot and research salient facts and I'm confident their is a significant amount of misinformation we have been feed. Good luck ANON

Anonymous ID: e6a101 May 14, 2019, 8:42 a.m. No.6495910   🗄️.is 🔗kun




YES ANON it is the full documentary. TY because I had heck of time battling through the YT filtering to watch the entire thing.