Anonymous ID: f03bf8 May 14, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6496955   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7170


Dollar's becoming scarce at the top end of the food chain. They are scrambling for them. This is why the dollar keeps inching up—it's not because FIAT is suddenly moar valuable that's for sure.

Have to find another vehicle to try and settle all those derivative pieces of paper floating around in the cesspool.

Anonymous ID: f03bf8 May 14, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6497015   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7054 >>7199 >>7390 >>7497


Oil prices jump due to drone attacks


Saudi Aramco says oil and gas supplies not affected due to drone attack


Abu Dhabi: Oil prices jumped for the second consecutive day as a result of drone attacks on Saudi Aramco’s pumping stations.


The latest incident follows attacks on two oil tankers from Saudi Arabia near the Strait of Hormuz, off the coast of United Aram Emirates on Sunday.


Brent, the global benchmark was up by 1.50 per cent at $71.28 per barrel at 4:20pm UAE time. West Texas Intermediate was up by 1.33 per cent at $61.85 per barrel on Tuesday.


“Markets are jittery as the spate of recent attacks including on the oil tankers in the Arabian Gulf seem to be aimed at disrupting the supply chain. With rising tensions between Iran and the US, and with significant naval build up in the region, markets are sensitive to news and can be tipped by the smallest signs of a conflict,” said Mihir Kapadia, the CEO of Sun Global Investments.


In a statement on Tuesday, Saudi Aramco said it responded to a fire at East West Pipeline Pump station 8 which was caused by a sabotage incident using armed drones which targeted pump stations 8 and 9.


“As a precautionary measure, the company temporarily shut down the pipeline, and contained the fire which caused minor damage to pump station 8.”


Saudi Aramco confirmed that no injuries or fatalities have been reported and oil and gas supplies not affected.


The pipeline transports Saudi oil from the Eastern Province to Yanbu port.


Saudi Arabia’s energy minister Khalid Al-Falih also said in a separate statement on Saudi Press Agency,


that the country’s oil production has not been interrupted following the incident. This act of terrorism and sabotage in addition to recent acts in the Arabian Gulf do not only target the Kingdom but also the security of world oil supplies and the global economy, he added.


The latest incidents come as the United States administration terminates Iran sanction waivers granted to eight countries that import oil from the Islamic Republic to pressurise the country to halt its nuclear enrichment programme.

Anonymous ID: f03bf8 May 14, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6497099   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7148 >>7199 >>7206 >>7390 >>7497

POTUS' New Plan To Spark A California Oil Boom


The Trump Administration proposed last week to open more than 700,000 acres of federal land to new oil and gas drilling along California’s Central Coast.


The plan is the Bureau of Land Management’s commitment to a 2013 court order to issue a more detailed environmental impact assessment of oil and gas drilling and the potential impacts of fracking, before proposing new acreage to fossil fuel development in the state.


The Administration’s plan faces an uphill battle in California, which has been challenging nearly all federal environmental-related and emission proposal rules and which continues to pledge its commitment to the Paris Agreement regardless of the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from it.


While the federal government says that the plan to open more federal land to drilling in California will create jobs and economic opportunities for the local communities, California’s governor and environmental organizations already voiced their opposition to the proposal, while energy experts say that the oil industry won’t be flocking to drill in Central California because it is expensive.


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) says that its plan would affect some 800,000 acres of Federal mineral estate, primarily located in the Fresno, Monterey, and San Benito counties. The BLM forecasts that up to 37 new oil and gas wells could be drilled over the next 20 years on federal land in the planning area. According to the BLM, the oil and gas industry on private and public lands in those three counties directly supports around 3,000 jobs and US$623 million in tax revenue.


The BLM’s plan, released on May 9 and published in the Federal Register on May 10, now has a 30-day protest period and 60-day governor’s consistency review.

California’s Governor Gavin Newsom already weighed in with his first reaction to the plan, tweeting at the end of last week “Handing over our public lands for more oil drilling is the last thing we should be doing. It threatens our environment. Our health. Our future. Climate change is real. Ignoring it will not make it go away. We need to build a future beyond fossil fuels.”


Environmentalists are naturally upset with the plans.


“Trump’s new plan aims to stab oil derricks and fracking rigs into some of California’s most beautiful landscapes,” Clare Lakewood, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement. “From Monterey to the Bay Area, the president wants to let oil companies drill and spill their way across our beloved public lands and wildlife habitat. As we fight climate chaos, there’s no justification for any new drilling and fracking, let alone this outrageous assault on our pristine wild places,” Lakewood added.

California’s crude oil production has been steadily declining since its peak in 1985: last year, California’s crude oil production fell by 13,000 bpd, the state’s fourth consecutive annual decline, according to the EIA.


At the same time, California boasts the number-one spot in the U.S. solar energy rankings, with installed solar capacity enough to power more than 6 million homes, data from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) shows. Solar power currently provides almost 19 percent of California’s electricity, but it must play a bigger role if the state is to reach climate and energy goals, SEIA says.


California has its own climate goal plan that includes having 50 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030, and 100 percent carbon-free sources of electricity by 2045.


To help California achieve its emission goals, Restore California Renewable Restaurants is proposing a 1-percent optional surcharge to restaurant checks in the state. The fee, to be optionally added to restaurant bills at the restaurant’s discretion, will be spent on carbon plans for farms and ranches.

Newsome will fuck this up along with the SJW lawyer's.

Anonymous ID: f03bf8 May 14, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6497175   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This is why people loathe ZH.. moar fear pron that pander's to the european audience's.

Stick to realty and what brought you to the table second generation tyler's.


> Fact is Trump, Kudlow and team led the world believe that a trade deal was imminent.


ah no that would be munchkins with his consistent "it's coming soon"…even planted a story in the financial time's to juice the mrkts up on a sunday because it was "close".

Fuck off tyler with your gas-lighting bullshit.

Stick to market reporting and financial things and leave the analysis about what really goes on with these discussions to the adult's.

Anonymous ID: f03bf8 May 14, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6497224   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Would not be the worst thing you could do fren! Doing it for long time myself.




we're "special" in ca. Taxes and the ridiculous bullshit with winter and summer blend. Big oil still has control of pricing mechanism here imo. Whole sale gas in almost half the cost of what we are charged here.

Anonymous ID: f03bf8 May 14, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6497271   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7324


>Trump needs to really stop poking liberals.


Live in ca. needs to continue to do it so they see the error of stupid judgement calls for decades. Don't give a shit about feelz anymoar fren. Try being surrounded by this constant whiney bullshit that they don't even understand. They only parrot what the TV tells them to.